Sunday, May 31, 2009
Watching this movie on Thursday with Girlf. Girls' Day Out, baby! :D Bored.Happy.Sad.Frustrated.Jealous. That's what I'm feeling now. Bored=Going grandma's house later.(Booorrriinnng!) Happy=Already made plans with homies. Sad=Cause someone never add me at Facebook. (Nanat knows why:P) Frustrated=That Sucka is making me pissed off. She thinks she's the only one who's right. Jealous=Cause someone add my friend never add me. Labels: 73 more days, baby:) Saturday, May 30, 2009 I still haven't show my parents my report book. When to give? I fail. Almost pass. But fail. Aiyooo. Earlier today, went to Mustafa Centre. So damn pack! My parents was walking infront and I was left behind. Then I got pinched on the butt by this f*cker. I was freaking mad. I turned and look at him, I gave him the finger and said, "F*ck you" then I walked off. So angry! This is like my 3rd time got pinched there. WTF! Oh yeah, yesterday chatted the whole night with Shakinah and Achap. I was so busy chatting that my fingers became thin already. Hahaha! Shakinah was funny. She was too angry already. Hahahah. I can still laugh. I already miss my friends. Friday, May 29, 2009 dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time.. when old lover who was long gone came back evrything changes but feelings doesn't change i don't love you anymore cause i'm in love with someone else:P Not sure on what I want to blog about. Few things happened today, but don't wish to elaborate on it. It's OFFICIALLY the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL today. Holidays are here! Woooohhhooooo. Anywho, there will be outing on 10 June. Anyone is invited. Even if you're a total stranger. Hahaha. The more the merrier! Yeah. I'm not in a good mood actually. Sighs. Everything happens for a reason. I think she doesn't love me anymore. I have a very strong feeling she doesn't. Sighs. :( Labels: 75 more days-.- Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Today was okay. Shakinah didn't attend school but she came after school. Hahaha.! Normila last minute told us there is Make-up course today. We did not even bring facial wash. Lucky thing Syafiq brought. Make-up was fun. I did on Deeyana, she did on me. Nice okay! To decided to skip POA , but Miss Lee(Mother) saw us. Sighs. I learn lots of things today. I very lazy to blog, actually. Btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MELODY! May all your wishes come true! I'm bored. Hungry. -.- if i could wish for one wish, i would wish to hear you call my name. Labels: 77 more days:) Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Today has been quite a good day, I guess. I never even step into class today. Skipped all lessons. Hahaha! Cool or what?! Anyways to this someone, I don't know if you're reading this or not, but the paper you received was Shakinah's idea. She wrote it, okay. Not me. It was just a random joke. So yeah, no hard feelings:P Mcc practice was okay I guess. Me and Deeyana slept while the guys are practicing and the girls were talking/gossiping. It was really a good sleep man! Hahaha. I don't what to blog about. Hmmmm. Holidays are coming people. Me, Shakinah & Nanat planned on which day we will all most probably be having our next East Coast outing. Could be on the 10 June. Yeah. Seriously I can't wait for the holidays. Randomly speaking, I don't like to see my friends not in good terms with each other, and that includes me not in good terms with someone. I mean, seriously, we're fifteen. Can we just forget all of this and start a fresh? It kills me looking at us in this condition. Sighs. I love you guys. Btw, Thanks Jesscca for the Hannah Montana's plaster again. Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart. But I just don't seem to reach it. Sighs. I'm paranoid. Labels: 78 more days to my birthday... Monday, May 25, 2009 I’ve never gone with the wind Just let it flow Let it take me where it wants to go Till you open the door there’s so much more I’ve never seen it before I was trying to fly but I couldn’t find wings You came along and you changed everything You lift my feet off the ground you spin me around you make me crazier, crazier Feels like i’m falling and I lost in your eyes You make me crazier, crazier, crazier I watched from a distance as you Made life your own Every sky was your own kind of blue And I wanted to know how that would feel And you made it so real You showed me something that I couldn’t see You opened my eyes and you made me believe You lift my feet off the ground You spin me around you make me crazier, crazier Feels like im falling and I I’m lost in your eyes You make me crazier, crazier, crazier Oh-oooh Baby you showed me what living is for I don’t want to hide anymore Oh-oooh You lift my feet off the ground You spin me around You make me crazier, crazier Feels like i’m falling And I, i’m lost in your eyes You make me crazier, crazier, crazier Crazier Crazier My mood today isn't very good. Due to someone. I don't know what to blog about. Okay, I'm so addicted to Facebook now. Random right? Hahaha. Tomorrow have Mcc practice. I'm really mad at someone right now. I don't know what's his f*cking problem is and then wants to show attitude to me. All this while, when he is feeling down, he would call me and I'm the one who would talk the whole night long cheering him up and this is how he repay me?! I don't care if you don't like me or whatever sh*t. But at least give me some respect can? We've been friends for 3 years and still counting and I really don't know why you need to show your attitude to me. We always would exchange secrets with each other. You know mine, I know yours. Please, grow up already can? Aiyooo. People are really changing. 2009 has been a hard year. I want kill myself already. I'm hungry-.- Honestly, I miss someone♥ That's why my ex is still my ex I don't trust a word he says And he's freaking out. Labels: 79 more days to my birthday... Sunday, May 24, 2009 I am soooo addicted to this song right now! Paranoid-Jonas Brothers. Honestly, they all look sooo hot right now! I want their upcoming album badly. Wooooohhhhoooo! Can't wait. Friday, May 22, 2009 Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart Of what it means to know just who I am I think I've finally found a better place to start But no one ever seems to understand I need to try to get to where you are Could it be, your not that far You're the voice I hear inside my head,the reason that I'm singing I need to find you I gotta find you You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me I need to find you I gotta find you Oh yeah Yeah yeah You're the remedy I'm searching hard to find To fix the puzzle that I see inside Painting all my dreams the color of your smile When I find you It will be alright I need to try to get to where you are Could it be, your not that far You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing I need to find youI gotta find you You're the missing piece I need,the song inside of me I need to find youI gotta find you Been feeling lost, can't find the words to say Spending all my time, stuck in yesterday Where you are is where I wanna be Oh next to you... and you next to me Oh I need to find you... yeah You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing I need to find you (I need to find you) I gotta find you (yeah, yeah) You're the missing piece I need,the song inside of me I need to find you I gotta find you You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing I need to find you (I need to find you) I gotta find you (I gotta find you) You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me I need to find you I gotta find you Yeah Yeah!I gotta find you Labels: And I found you already ... Today had Ultimate Deyian Chanllenge(UDC) in school and it was great. I didn't know that floorball wa actually fun. Sorry Deeyana for hitting your leg. Hahaha! First game, I score! Wooohhoooo! But then lose 2-1. All the game we lose. Sad. But nevermind, itwas just a game. And yeah, I extremely love today! My legs are cramping now. My body, too. Massage for me, anyone? Ouch. Wnet to Shakinah's blog. I laughed my ass off man! Hahahaha. Babe, it's sooo true. That video is sooo related to my current situation. Btw, I miss you! Hahahaha. I got lots of stories to tell to you. Lols. You got me going crazy. Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Lots of stuff happened today:D Me and Nanat skip Physics today and slacked at Kosi-O. She had this small bottle of perfume. She finished it since there's just little left. I told her to throw the bottle to the ground to see of it break. She threw, but it was a failure. Her second attempt was to step on it. Still fail. I tried stepping on it. Still fail. Then I throw it against the wall, but I miss the wall. Then I did my last attempt. Woooohhhooo! The bottle shattered into pieces. Then we went to the toilet to change into our P.E attire. I switched on the lights then suddenly the switch made some kind of noise. Electric sound. I was like jumping around cause I was shocked and Nanat was laughing hard. Hahaha:) After school, went to do C.I.P thingy. Hahaha! It was fun cause of someone. Told Raudhah that all malay students fail the malay paper and she did believe! Hahaha. Now she knew. I keep talking about me doing pole dance in my room. I know it's sick. I just knew, too. Hahaha! Deeyana had enough of it already. Haha. Other than that pole dane thingy, I also brag about me knowing the dance to the song Hoedown Throwdown. Hahaha. Btw, big THANKS to Jesscca who gave me HANNAH MONTANA'S PLASTER! Even if it's a plaster, I'm happy okay! Anybody want to buy me another pillow of Hannah Montana? :P Stiiting, laughing, chatting with lovely homies But in the end I'm still lonely. Honestly, I<3you. Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Today has been a wonderful day peeps. Got my results back, and it sucks. Some didn't. Don't wanna talk about it okay. Deyi Star this year was okay. Not so for me actually. Congrats to all who made thru to the finals. Those who didn't, try your luck again next year. "One" of the contestants really was testing my patience man! I was like freaking mad at her. Hmph. MCC was fun. Sang the song Heartless Kriss Allen version a lot of times today. It goes out to _____. Nurul Natasha has my crossword puzzle book with her. She enjoyed searching for the words. Hahahas. The book was passed around to so many people. Yeah. I'm sorry Kris Allen lovers cause I did not put the Heartless song in my playist but instead I put this Adam "Gay"bert(it's actually Lambert, if some of you guys don't know:P) song. I'm addicted to this song. It's a sad one and really somehow relates a lot about me. Lols. Btw, my trip to Australia, has been CANCELLED. I blame the SWINE FLU! I curse all pigs to die. Hmph. I cried when my Mum told me. Call me a crybaby of you want cause I am right now. people say i'm the life to party cause i tell a joke or two even though i might be laughing loud and hearty deep inside i'm blue. since you ignore me and if you see me with another guy seeming like i'm having fun although he may be cute but he's just a substitute cause you're the perfect one. so take a good look at my face you see my smile looks out of place as you get closer it's easy to trace the tracks of my tears. Don't know why I'm surviving every lonely day When there's got to be no chance for me My life would end and it doesn't matter how I cry My tears of love are a waste of time If I turn away am I strong enough to see it through Go crazy is what I will do * If I can't have you, I don't want nobody baby If I can't have you ah ah, I can't have you I don't want nobody baby, if I can't have you ah ah Can't let go and it doesn't matter how I try I gave it all so easily to you my love To dreams that never will come true Am I strong enough to see it through Go crazy is what I will do (Repeat * till fade) Lyrics of the song playing :P Monday, May 18, 2009 the hardest thing to do in life is to watch the person you love, love someone else. meeting you was a fate. becoming your friend is a choice, but falling in love with you, i had no control of. Labels: sitting, waiting, wishing What exactly "Love" means? Here's a story that I would like to share. A girl and a guy was speeding was speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle. Girl: Slow down. I'm scared. Guy: No, this is fun. Girl: No, it's not. It's too scary. Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine, I love you. Now slow down! Guy: Now give me a big hug. The girl hugged him. Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on? It's bugging me. In the newspaper the next day, it was stated "A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived." The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realised that his motorcycle breaks broke and he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it meant he would die. His love to her is so pure. This passage totally drive me to tears. Labels: L.O.V.E School is a little boring today:( Yeah. Shakinah was absent. Raudhah went for band. Tomorrow I think checking of exams paper, I think. Tomorrow have MCC practise. Quote of the day: "A true friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg, even though he/she knows you're slightly cracked." -Miley Cyrus. I scared to bathe. So cold! Bbbbrrrrrrrrrr. I 'm wearing the 3pairs of t-shirt, my jacket,a pair of cool gloves that I just bought, a scarf around my neck & a beanie. But guess what, I'm wearing FBT! Hahaha. Warm on the top, cold on the bottom. *Beanie is a type of cap that most people wear during winter time. Shivering while typing, cause fan is directing at me at full speed! How to take my shower? Ideas? Heater spoil. :( Sunday, May 17, 2009 People saying that she's fat. WTF?!! Look at her! She's not fat. She has the perfect body shape. People who are saying that she's fat is probably aneroxic(did I spell correctly?) I would dream to have body like hers. Whoa. Btw, this is recent picture. Taken yesterday, I think. I took it. I went to her and I ask for a picture. And she pose. Like real! She's like at the other end of the Earth, and I'm on the other hand. But seriously, this is taken yesterday or the before yesterday. Very recent. Yes people, Man. Utd. won! I told you guys already that they would win, but you guys made fun on me. Who's on the loosing side now huh? Hahaha. I shrieked when I found out about it. Dearest bestie, Shakinah: I was also touched when I read your blog post and the sms you gave me. I was like "Awww." I love you, too. You're one in zillion:D I'm becoming more sensitive as days pass by & I wonder why. Hmmm.. Lols, Shakinah knows:) Friday, May 15, 2009 I want Kris Allen. The guy who made me melt just by singing. Bestie, I'll always be beside you until the very end. Wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. I'll smile when you smile & feel all the pain you do. & if you cry a single tear, i promise I'll cry too. And I swear, I would do anything just to make you happy Even if it means that going to other ends of the Earth a million times. Everything I do, I do it for you. I♥You Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss If you're my friend, then answer me this: Are we friends or are we not? You told me once, but I forgot. So tell me now and tell me true. So I can say "I'm here for you." Of all the friend I've ever met, You're the one I won't forget. And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you. I'll give the angels back their wings, And risk the loss of everything. There's isn't a thing I wouldn't do, To have a friend just like you. If you got secrets you want to tell, we can talk all day long. If you're dreams gets broken somehow, I'll remind you that you belong. If you need some place to hide, you can hold my hand for a while. If you're sky begins to fall, I'll stay with until you smile. Whenever you need some space, there's my room & you can take it. If someone breaks your heart, together we unbreak it. When you feel sad or empty inside, I'll show you that you're not alone. If you got lost outside there, I'll take you and bring you home. I'll go with you somewhere else, when you need to get away. And when nothing seems to be going right and you need a friend, I'll stay. They are so beautiful. Personalities? Increadible. Memories? Unforgetable. Friendship? Non-Replaceble. Friendship is like peeing in your pants. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel it. Thanks for being the pee in my pants. A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain you're going thru, even if you'e fooling everyone else. Best friends are the fairy tales of life, they've been there since once upon a time, and will remain there until ever after. I saw you with her today, and as I watch with my fake smile, I could hear my heart break and feel it being torn apart, because it was then that I realise that I am truly a friend and that's all I ever be. You don't have any idea, how much you mean to me. Labels: To my dearest bestie .. Putting the blame just on yourself wouldn't help. We should all, as friends, sit down and talk to each other what we are missing on. I'm not blaming you. I'm not blaming anyone, but now people look at me as the third person and I don't know why. It hurts. Lots of things is already happening to me. Family & friends. And I haven't told anyone about it yet. 'Cause it's my problem and I'll solve it myself. But I'll always try to think positive. Not the negative. I still love everyone, no matter what they say about me. Bestie, I still love with you and will support you all the way. Cause that's what you did to me. Don't worry, I'm not mad at you. I can never be mad at you. I just miss hearing your voice. You're silly, you're crazy. But you're the one who put a big smile on my face. & Every night, before going to bed, I'll just lie down & think, What have I done wrong? Don't blame yourself, cause we both know that none of us is in the wrong. If a friendship doesn't have it's downs, Then it's not friendship 'cause we're enjoying to much And never realise what we might lost. I don't ever wanna see you sad & and keep on blaming yourself. It would kill me looking at it. Please. Thursday, May 14, 2009 Everythings.Turning.Upside.Down Exams are officially over. Not going school tomorrow. And I don't know why. Thanks to Nurul Natasha and Raudhah who tried to cheer me up when I was in tears just now. You guys are the best! Bit by bit, tears stream down my cheeks when I'm on my way home. Thinking. I just feel...different. People are treating me differently. They kinda look at me like I did something real bad. Especially when someone I really love treats me that way too. Bestie, It seems like you're changing into the opposite of what you used to be. It seems like you don't know me well enough. The way you acted really hurts me. You don't seem to care anymore. Remember those time we spent. Joked around. We tell each other everything. Now we don't. When you cried, you had my shoulder to cry on. When I cry, I had your shoulders to cry on. When you're mad at something/someone, you'll tell me about it. When you have problems, I tried my best to help you out. You told me that no matter what happens, you'll always be there for me. What happened to that? We exchange advices to each other. You said that I won't be losing anyone. I know you know her longer that you know me. But you know my behaviour. You know a lot about me. You also know which guy I really like and he's the only one that I like. Whatever I do, it reminds me of you. Why must all this happen when I really need you the most? When I really need you by my side? When I really need a good hug from you? When I really need a shoulder like yours to cry on? When I really need good advices from you? It saddens me the most, thinking about those memories and everything that we've been through together. I'm not mad at you, I'm just saying. I save all those text messages that you sent me, telling me to cheer up and saying that you love me. Looking at those, I shed a tear. I know there are people who talk about me behind my back. People that I love especially. Saying things that is definitely not true. They don't know me well enough. And I assume you don't too. I guess the past 3 years, was just pretend. Bestie, I really miss the old you. Wednesday, May 13, 2009 I want to watch it! I'm addicted to Hannah Montana And I'm not embarassed about it. You can say that I'm crazy 'cause I am. How many "Hannah Montana" word can you find in my blog? :D Today Maths Paper 2 and Physics. Maths was tough. Some easy, some difficult. Physics was okay. Guess what? I woke up at 4.30am in the morning and then take my shower. It was damn cold! I was shiverring while drying myselff.*Bbbrrrrrr* But it was a good and refreshing bath. Then ate 2 pieces of red bean buns and studied my Physics. On the way to school studied Maths. Hahahah. My head felt like it was going to explode. *Boom!* Tomorrow last paper! Yay! I know some of you guys finish your paper today, so don't need to make me jealous okay. Tomorrow wake up at 4.30am again. Study! It works, you know. I want to quit school. Who's with me? :P Am I falling in love Is it a feeling or just another crush I'm over you, I guess. 'cause I'm moving on. I like someone else. Tuesday, May 12, 2009 You're on the phone with your girlfriend She's upset. She's going off about something that you said 'Cuz she dosent get your humor like I do... I'm in my room It's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she dosen't like And she'll never know your story like I do But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain And I'm in the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up And find what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along so why can't you see You belong with me You belong with me Walkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself Hey isn't this easy And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down You say your fine I know you better then that Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that She wears high heels I wear sneakers She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up That what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along so why can't you see You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your back door All this time how could you not know Baby... You belong with me Oh I remember you drivin' to my house in the middle of the night I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know your about to cry And I know your favorite songs And you tell me about your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it's with me... Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along So why can't you see You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your back door All this time How could you not know Baby you belong with me You belong with me You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me It's a nice song. Check out the music video. It's better. You belong with me by Taylor Swift. Woooohhhooooo! Maths paper today and it as okay. I manage to do it. And that's because I studied very hard yesterday. Yeah. After school went library to study Physics, but I ended up sleeping there. Lols. Met Jesscca there. Oh, how I missed her! Went grandma's house after that. I mis her, too! Eat, watch tv and go home. Tomorrow Maths paper 2 & Physics. Thursday POA. Then Friday no need go school. No more exams! Woooohhhoooo! I miss them. Friends&Family. Lols. Some pictures I "found" and decided to upload. Shakinah's one is funny. Hahaha! Saturday, May 09, 2009 you're the poison in my brain. Wassuppp?! I'm curruently at Reihana's house. Some birthday party happening here. Woohhhoooo! Food are all so good. I felt like I was in heaven. Shall upload few pictures in few days time. I love Beef. And Chicken Wing. And Laksa. Friday, May 08, 2009 ![]() Woooohhhooooo!! It's finally Friday people! 3 more papers to go! Okay, today Geography paper, I did badly! I didn't know anything. I don't think I'm gonna pass this one. Its obvious. Today got my IC. Hahaha. I looked funny. I didn't expect the IC to be that thin! Lols. Anyway I alredy got a present for Mum. Something funny happened at hub just now. But I don't wish to elaborate. Hahaha! Like I post yesterday, I'm gonna give you some quotes/sayings: "I did not hit you. I simply high-fived your face." "I'm more confused than a fifteen year old boy, waking up in his grandparents lawn, naked." "If Barbie isn't a slut, then why would people buy her boyfriends?" "An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But if the doctor is cute, screw the fruit." "Whoever said that everything is possible obviously hasn't tried slamming a revolving door." "I've used up all of my sick days, now I'm calling in Dead!" "I intend to live forever. So far, so good.' "Men doesn't wear shirt, no service. Women doesn't wear shirt, free drinks!" "Looking a perfect girl for yourself, go buy a barbie doll." "By the time you read this, you probably already read it." "I'm busy. You're ugly. Have a great day!" :D Thursday, May 07, 2009 ![]() "God made us Best Friends because He knew that our Mums couldn't handle us as Sisters." Today Social Studies & Biology paper. Both was okay cause I did study. Tomorrow Geography paper. Finish at 0900am. So early right? Later got tuition. Zzzzz. Does this sounds wrong? "The guy may wear the pants in ths relationship, but I control the zipper." :P Found some cute quotes. "Arms are for hugging. Boys are for kissing. Sluts are for dissing. Best friends are for when the boy kisses the slut & all you really need is a hug." "I want to be his favourite Hello & his hardest Goodbye." "If you can't handle me at the worst, You don't deserve me at my best." "Here's to the nights that turned into mornings. The friends that turned into family. The dreams that turned into reality. The likes that turne into love." "Girls with butt like mine don't talk to boys with faces like yours." "The shit you hear about me might be true, but then again it might be as fake as the bitch who told you." "Bitch? Yeah slightly. I just don't know how to say f*ck you politely." "I was a little upset when I see you with her. But then I laugh cause she's ugly." A lot right? Hahas. There's more actually:) Tomorrow I post. Wednesday, May 06, 2009 Studying Bio. and Social Studies right now. Tuition cancelled today cause tutor not feeling well. I'm saving money for my Mum's mother's day gift. Already planned what to buy for her, but not sure whether I should get it or not. Hmm. Can anyone tell me when is Mother's day? 9 may or 10 May? Some said 9, some said 10. Tomorrow finish school at 11.15am. Lols. Mum said he was cute! i want to be kissed in the rain. Tuesday, May 05, 2009 i know she doesn't love you baby not like i did oh what's the point, you're not listening she won't get your humor like i do i'm sitting down dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time if you could see that i'm the one who understands you been here all along so why can't you see that you belong with me one day you'll wake up and see that you're missing me have you ever thought that just maybe you belong with me? honestly speaking, you're fading away from my mind. Whoa. Tomorrow Malay paper. I don't want to do exams. I want to quit school. Lols. Of course not! I don't know what to blog on. I will be wakig up very early every morning. Shower then revise some subjects before going to school.I really want to pass this time. I admit that I'm really improving for my POA(Principles of Accounts). Also a bit in Physics, Maths and Social Studies. I love school. Random. Monday, May 04, 2009 every song that i hear these days reminds me of you looking at the sparkles in your eyes your smile that could light up the whole world your laugh that could just be the soundtrack of my life your style that could lead to number one in the fashion world oh, everything is about you if only there's a lot of you just grab one and be happy i'm so tired of crying over you just sick wishing that you're gonna be with me and i'll try to move on.. I won't be blogging regularly cause my Mum keep nagging at me and telling me to study cause its the "Exam Season." I either study or I won't be going to Australia this coming holiday. Okay, this time she win. Lols. One paper down, Six to go. I don't know if I should make "Twitter" or not. I keep talking about my face today in school. Sweet girlfriends had to listen to me blabbering about my face and how much I love the song "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift. Lols. I'm so addicted to that song. If you can have superpowers, what kind of power you want? I want to be able to shoot spagetti out of my fingers & get the guy of my dreams with just a snap. Saturday, May 02, 2009 i try to erase you off of my mind. I feel different today. Wanna know why? Yesterday, I followed my mum to her facial appointment. To my surprise, my mum told me to get one treatment too! I was like "Really?!" Wow. First ever facial treatment. So good. The person took out all my blackheads on my face. Pain you know! Of course lah, first time. But I never cry. She say I strong girl. Haha. She also say that I'm a pretty girl. *blush*:P Anyway, my right eye has been swollen for two days already. Haiz.. I miss everyone. |
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