Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I found these, and it so suits me with my current situation. "She thinks about you non-stop and you're all she thinks about. When she talks about you, she always have tha goofy smile and she truly looks happy. With one hug, you could make her melt and you always leave her with the butterflies. But at the same time when she's upset, it's usually because of you, but she refuses to see any bad in you. And no matter how many people try to tell her that he isn't the one, she believes you're perfect for her and worth every second of the wait. But she's too scared to tell you any of this, becaus she doesn't want to screw anythinh up, and deoesn't want to end up hurt." "Thinking of you is what brings a smile on my face; Dreaming of you is what makes my heart race; Looking into your eyes make me fall even more; Being with you is what I live for." "Love isn't love without someone getting hurt." (Also meant for Shakinah/Nanat) "Even when I have a million things to worry/think about, you never leave my mind." Labels: I love you. School was okay today. I don't know why, but this semester isn't that fun. Tomorrow have to go to school as per normal timing, and that sucks:( Anyway, today Social Studies class I was totally into it. Hahaha! There are lots of new teacher. This whole week will be a boring week, I can guarantee. & I serously don't know what to blog about:O Shakinah, a little advice. Everything comes to an end, but every ending is just a new beginning. That's life. You gotta accept it no matter how hard it is. Maybe he's not the one. Only fate tells it all. Like I told you before, you let go of this one, you will get a better one. There's always reason to everything. Just don't think too much about it:) whenever someone ask me whether i miss you or not, i would just smile and walk away, while whispering, "a lot." Labels: Every Life has a Story. Monday, June 29, 2009 SCHOOL HAS OFFICALLY BEGUN :O It's the first day of school today. Was too excited that I couldn't sleep last night. Guess what?! I didn't sleep in class today! Wooohhhoo! Finally broke the record. Hahaha! So learn quite a lot :D Tuition is cancelled today. COE performance has been postponed to another day and I'm freaking pissed about this. I'm already excited about the performance, then now had to be postponed. I blame pigs. This whole week NO CCA :) Today was okay. Crapped a lot with Nanat and Raudhah in class. English lesson today became a facial class. I was popping my pimples. Hahah! Even the teacher ignore if you use handphone in front of her. So good right? Hahaha. After school hang-out at playground for a while. Then went hub to buy "Con" (Oooppps!). Then went home. Shakinah has to move one. Deeyana has to be less shy when being around him. Like me:P my feelings for you has fade away. since you're fcuking in love with her. it's nice knowing you. Labels: i have a boyfriend. Saturday, June 27, 2009 It's 3:12pm now. My right ankle is freaking pain & I couldn't walk that much. Ouch! Obviously not going anywhere today. Tomorrow then go out. I don't know what to blog about. Ate rojak that Mummy bought and drank Chendol. I still haven't do any homework yet. Monday school already. It's like soo fast. Not even 1 month! Suppose to open on Wednesday, 1 July. That is 1 month. Stupid. I want to sleep. Zzzzz. & i'm afraid that when i see you, i might fall for you all over again. Friday, June 26, 2009 Wooohhooo! Tonight, both my parents won't be coming home, I can stay up late on my laptop :D Anyway, just got back from my outing with my brother and his family. Woke up at 0855am this morning and get dressed. Before leaving the house, I watched Channel News Asia and found out that Michael Jackson passed away :( Went to the zoo. Finally, I got to meet my long-lost cousins, who was once Ah Meng's friends. Hahah! There's lots of them. Black colour,Brown colour, dangling nose, white face. Hahaha! They're cute. I think I fell in love with them already. Uh-oh :O Ate KFC there. There's Anaconda/Elephants/Snakes/Kangaroos/Flamingos/ Tigers/Lions/Butterflies/Bats/Birds.There's more, but couldn't remember. Went to see the White Tiger where there was once news about a guy got eaten up by the tiger. Hahaha! The tiger face soo scary. So fierce :O Entrance fees for the Zoo was $71. Whoa! We spent about 7 hours in the zoo. From 10am-5pm. Legs became sooo cramp. After the zoo, went to Vivo city. Thursday, June 25, 2009 I'm freaking tired now. Zzzzzz Anyway, went Bugis just now with cousin. Went to the TopShop then saw this guy. His name is Afiq Bakri. He's one of the Anugerah contestant but got eliminated earlier. He was so good-looking with his glasses. Haha! I mean, when he was eliminated, I cried. Hahah! So dramatic. I was like looking at him, then he looked at me. Then I smile, he smile. Awwww! Hahah! Bought a T-shirtand some bangles. Then went to AMK. Ate there, and walked around. On the way to NTUC, saw Achap with his Dad and Rahmat. Talked for awhile then I went off. Weather yesterday was sooo cold. But today was like freaking hot! I still haven't do my homework yet. Malay project, POA and English assignment. When to do? Tomorrow go zoo (Yay!), then Saturday got religous class, Sunday going out to buy school shoes. Monday open school. Sighs. When school re-opens, I WON'T skip/sleep/day-dreaming/talk in class. I want to concentrate and catch-up on what I have been missing. And that would help without Nanat/Raudhah distracting me. Hahahaha! I'm serious :0 Anyway I finally got to drink sugarcane juice. Yummy. I miss homies. i'm crying in pieces. Wednesday, June 24, 2009 Today practice was like WTF! I was seriously pissed off with Normila and Kak Sari. I mean is like it's damn difficult to dance without music, and you expect us too ENJOY the dance with NO MUSIC?! That's like sooo unreasonable. Anywho, after dance slacked around. After slacking at Mac Donald's for about few hours(:P), went back home with Shakinah, Deeyana, Dewi, Zubir and Amirul (?). Yeah. Sent Shakinah and Dewi at the interchange, then went off with Dee, Bir, Ayul. Then the guys accompanied the us to top-up our cards then they went off. Have you ever tried bursting the long plastic that ar used to put the wet umbrella in the shopping mall? If you don't, you should. It was great, but embarrasing. I'm never going anywhere when Ayul's around. Hahah! He's one funny little guy, still so cute some more, even though he has grownslightly taller. Shakinah needs to catch up. I'm going to the zoo on Friday. Wooohhoooo! The last time I went to the zoo was ermm....10 years ago? Anyway, going Bugis tomorrow. Yay! My feelings for you is fading away Bit by bit. Tuesday, June 23, 2009 ![]() Anyway, after practice, went to drink sugarcane juice with Shasha, Dee, Freak, Rahmat and Zubir. Dewi, Adilah and Iza went to banquet. Drank a glass of sugarcane juice and ate Rojak that Freak treated us to. Zubir ate chicken chop. After that, slack around at Mac with Dee, Rahmat and Zubir while the rest went home. Really laughed a lot thanks to all their crappiness. Shakinah-Z:D if you were to ask me what my dream is, my reply would be, you. Monday, June 22, 2009 Miley performing with Nick at JB's tour concert. Woohhooo! Haven't been updating my blog for the past few days. I'm finally back:D Anyway, I FINALLY GOT THE JONAS BROTHERS ALBUM! Woooohhhoooo! I followed my cousins to the Popular bookstore at J8, then I was browsing thru th CDs that were sold there. Suddenly, my eyes were caught onto something. The ALBUM! Hahaha! So dramatic. I was running aroung the bookstore:D The album includes a 24-page booklet that has 30 photos, and two videos. They looked freaking hot in all the photos that were taken. WOW! Tomorrow have rehearsal for the COE performance(whatever it's called). I can't be bothered about it already. I don't feel like going tomorrow's practice. I'm soo lazy. Zzzzzz. I missed out a lot of gossips from my dearest homies. Aiyooo! as hard as i try, i know i can't quit there's something about you that's so addictive i break down everytime you come around & i'll go insane everytime you look at me. i miss those feelings. & i miss you. but you're missing someone else. Wednesday, June 17, 2009 It's already the second week of the June Holidays already, people! I still have yet to do my holiday assignments. I'm having constipation right now. Oh no, What to do?! :P Anyway, most probably won't be updating blog from tomorrow until Sunday. Cousins are coming over. Wooohhooo! Can't wait. It's either all my lovely homies are out of Singapore, or I'm just plain RANDOM. I haven't been receiving any sms-es from them. Only sms-es from cousins/other friends. Where are you guys?! SHAKINAH NANAT DEEYANA SYAFREAK NUNU RAUDHAH JESSCCA I fcuking miss you guys! Can at least sms me a "hello"? :D boy, goodbye, 'cause i hardly mean a thing to you. Labels: 8 more weeks Monday, June 15, 2009 Someone get me one, can? :P I think buying this is the only thing that can cheer me up. Sighs. i play the same song over and over again cause it reminds me of you. sick of crying, tired of wishing, yeah i'm smiling, but deep inside i'm dying. Labels: Oh boy. I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house That don't bother me I can take a few tears now and then and just let 'em out I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while even though Goin' on with you gone still upsets me There are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay But that's not what gets me What hurts the most Was being so close And havin' so much to say And watchin' you walk away And never knowin' What could've been And not seein' that lovin' you Is what I was tryin' to do It's hard to deal with the pain of losin' you everywhere I go But I'm doin' it It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone Still harder gettin' up, gettin' dressed, livin' with this regret But I know if I could do it over I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart That I left unspoken What hurts the most Is being so close And havin' so much to say (Much to say) And watchin' you walk away And never knowin' What could've been And not seein' that lovin' you Is what I was tryin' to do, oh Oh yeah What hurts the most Was being so close And havin' so much to say (To say) And watchin' you walk away And never knowin' What could've been And not seein' that lovin' you Is what I was tryin' to do Not seein' that lovin' you That's what I was trying to do, ooo Labels: What hurts the most? Tell me now. Sunday, June 14, 2009 suddenly everything came crashing down all over again. though i've seen lots of times, but whenever i see it again, it feels like i've never seen it before. i should have moved on from the very beginning. if i did, none of this would happened. i got my heart broken too many times. i'v ehad enough of it. i can't take it any longer, cause it hurts. waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. useless & dissapointing. i now realise that i was hoping for the wrong person. i'm sick if you already. nothing's gonna be right again. at this very second i'm gonna act like i don't even know you like all this never happened. like i never loved you before. cause in your eyes, i'm invisible. now in my eyes, you're just a piece of shit. this time, i'm not turning back again. cause i don't want to go thru that path again. now, no one can ever make me smile like how i used to. nothings gonna be the same again. you're breaking my heart and you don't even know it. now my plan is to forgive and forget. forgive myself for being so stupid. forget that you ever existed. you should be happy that not only you're in love with her, but you lost someone that you never really wanted. maybe if my heart stops beating, it wouldn't hurt this much. Labels: i can't help but fall for you everytime Why must the holidays be this long? It's like seriously torturing me. I'm just bored/sad/angry/lonely. For one whole week, I'll be stuck at home. Wake up, eat, use computer, sleep until night, watch tv, sleep again. Shakinah ask me whether I check that guy's blog. So I went to see. Suddenly saw something:( Friday, June 12, 2009 Woots! Yesterday I posted 5 reasons on why I like number 12. Here's two more: 6. 12 August 2003, Ronaldo joined Man. Utd. 7. Music video 'You Belong with Me', the guy (Lucas Till) was wearing jersey number 12! Hahaha. Woooohoooo! Labels: babe, Exactly 2 more months Thursday, June 11, 2009 Woke up at 8am today. Early, right? Now so sleepy already. Anyway, followed Momma go Hougang this morning :P There are reasons to why I love the number 12. 1. It's my birthday and.. ;P 2. Last year 12 August, Jonas Brothers released their 3rd album. 3. 12 January 2007, I started liking this someone, until now. Still can't get over him. Sighs. 4. 12 April 2008, attached with this person. Now, we're friends:) 5. 12 October 2006, I fractured my extreme right finger. Ouch! Cannot forget that one. Those are the reasons. Lame, I know. Hahaha! Btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 17TH(or 18th) BIRTHDAY TO REIHANA FUJIWARA! May all your wishes come true. Can't wait to spend the night at you house again then we can camwhore until the sunrise. Wooohooo! Someone's getting older.. I love you! :D Labels: Happy Birthday, Reihana Miley: I know this isnt what I wanted, never thought it'd come this far, just thinking back to where we started & how we lost all that we are Nick: we were young & times were easy, but i could see it's not the same. i'm standing here but you don't see me, i'd give it all for that to change. and i dont want to lose her, i dont want to let her go. Chorus: Miley: Im standing out in the rain, i need to know if its over, cause I will leave you alone. Nick: flooded with all this pain, knowing that i'll never hold her, like i did before the storm Nick: and with every strike of lightning Miley: comes a memory that lasts Both: not a word is left unspoken as the thunder starts to crash Miley: maybe i should give up Chorus: Miley: I'm standing out in the rain, i need to know if its over, cause I will leave you alone. Nick: flooded with all this pain, knowing that i'll never hold her, like i did before the storm Miley: trying to keep the light from going in Both: and the clouds from ripping out my broken heart. We always say a heart is not whole without the one who gets you through the storm. Chorus: Standing out in the rain, knowing that it's really over- please don't leave me alone Flooded with all this pain, knowing that i'll never hold you, like I did before the storm Lyrics to the song that's playing now. Labels: Before the Storm. Monday, June 08, 2009 Date today: 10 June 2009 Time now: 2:27pm Something is wrong with my blog. The time and date is wrong. Currently at home. Homies are at East Coast enjoying themselves. I never go. Sad, right? Hahahha. I am sick anyways. Woke up at 1pm today. Last night I couldn't sleep. I lie on my bed from 11.30pm-2am doing nothing. Just listening to songs, staring at the ceiling and thinking about life and what would happen when school re-opens. Anywho, my birthday is exactly 9 weeks away, people! Hahaha. Had a conversation with my Momma yesterday night. Me: Just a reminder, anothers 9 more weeks my birthday you know. Momma: So fast? What you want? Me: I want all our family members to come to our house and celebrate. Momma: Okay. Me: And I also want Hannah Montana birthday cake. Momma: You and your nonsence. Hannah Montana for little kids. You 15 years old already. Please grow up. WTF?! Hahaha! Hannah Montana is not for little kids. Sometimes, my Momma also watch that show still got the guts to tell me to grow up. Sighs. Mothers these days. Weird, but you gotta love them:D Aww:D Imagine if I hug my ex like that. So weird, and awkward! Latest news on Miley! She has officially broke up with boyfriend, Justin Gaston. Reports saying that Nick and Miley wants to get back,since the'yve been hanging out together a lot. Miley is currently at Atlanta filming her new movie "Last Song." Nick was seen arriving at the Atlanta Airport alone, without his brothers. Jonas Brothers album out next week! Wooohhhoooo! I'm so going to buy it. Cause there's a song Nick duet with Miley. Hahaha. Labels: Lines, Vines and Trying Times. Today's Mcc practise isn't that awkward. Well, that's for me. Laughed a lot today, especially at Zubir. Hahaha! That guy is really funny. I am OFFICIALLY not going for tomorrow's outing. Yeah. Oh yeah, btw, Hannah Montana DOESN'T SUCK okay. If you don't like it, then shut your big, fat mouth. Never watch before don't say anything okay. I'm soo defensive when it comes tu this. Hahahahah. But it just doesn't feel right. Cause I'm over here thinking about him, he's there thinking about that other girl. To Shakinah: You're right. It's hard for me to give up on that someone I can't go a day without thinking about him. But I'll try, beb. It's a challenge. Labels: 64 more days:D i'm not supposed to love you, i'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. i'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do. i'm sorry, i can't help it 'cause i'm in love with you. when i say i didn't love you anymore, i'm just lying. Labels: I'm not supposed to. There is this quote. It says : "If you love someone, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it was never yours." But what if I tried to let it go for the past 3 years, but it still doesn't go? Sighs. Labels: Sad.Angry.Depressed. This blog skins is just temporary peeps. I'm still searching for the perfect skin. Mcc today was a little awkward, I guess. Another practice tomorrow, then off to East Coast the following day. I want that someone to follow, but how to ask him? Labels: 65 more days:) Saturday, June 06, 2009 ![]() Labels: Deep inside, My tears I drown. Friday, June 05, 2009 boy, tell me straight in my face that i can't be with you so that i will never think & worry about it that much that's all i need you to tell me. i've waited too long enough ♥♥♥ ![]() Just wake up. Last night slept at 4am, thanks to somebody:D Anywho, yesterday watched Hannah Montana: The movie and it was GREAT! Starting of the show is already the sad part. But, in the middle was very funny. Some parts, me and Shasha cried. Hahah! I like the kissing scene:P I can make anyone fall in love with Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, you know. That's what I did to some of my homies. They watched the movie and they are already in love with it, especially Shakinah. Hah! Once again, Hanna Haziqah make the world a better place for love. Everything was sooo sweet. I wanna watch the movie again! I don't know what to blog about. Next outing next week, 10June to East Coast. Anyone can follow, even if you're not a member of Mcc. Contact me/Shakinah/Other Seniors. isn't it funny that every girl's profile is about that one guy but he never knows that every word is about him. you can't fight fate. Thursday, June 04, 2009 Lots of people find this video funny, but I think i's a little bit gay. Even though I'm like their major fan, but I do not like this video that much. Deeyana should enjoy this:D Wednesday, June 03, 2009 If only everything that's in this video, happened to me in real life. Labels: Fantasy and Reality. Tuesday, June 02, 2009 Can ALL my friends/homies relax? Chill. If we rush, it'll turn worse. Let Achap be what he wants. The more we control him, the worse he would be. Just leave him alone for now. But I just wanna get this straight. Achap, why do you side them? Why didn't you side your girlf. ? You told us off when we bitch about them. But when they bitch about us, you're okay with that?! They call us bitch you're okay with that?! All this while, we help you thru thick and thins, this is how you treat us back. But don't worry, everything's just gonna come back to you and don't ever come and find us again. I mean it. I'm dissapointed in you. The day you will be crying on your feet, will be the day we are all laughing thinking back on what had happened. Labels: 71 more days:D ![]() Monday, June 01, 2009 ![]() *yawn* Thanks to Raudhah's sms this morning, I woke up early. Now I very sleepy. But when I try to go back to bed, cannot sleep. Aiyo! Sooner or later, I will fall asleep on my laptop. Seriously, I really damn those b*tches a lot. I feel like slapping their face. Last night, I had a wonderful dream. Me & my "Prince Charming", we were riding horses in this place. It's like at the country side. I did not know how to ride the horse, so he taught me. Then we were catching each other. Then suddenly raining. He covered my head with the hoodie(?) he was wearing and we both ran into the shelter. We went into this room then suddenly already at the school canteen. WTH! Hahaha. The both of us already wear school uniform. Hahaha. Then, went to the normal table that I usually sit, Shakinah was eating. Nanat was having a convo with Zubir. Deeyana is lining up to buy her food. Raudhah go band. Hahaha! The rest of the guys missing. Lols. Then I turn around to tell "Prince Charming" to sit opposite me, but then he was gone:( Then recess over. Walking back to class. Saw "Prince Charming" playing basketball while riding a horse. WTH! Hahaha. Then suddenly...suddenly..suddenly...Raudhah sms me then I wake up! Hahahaha! My dream was really weird, but nice. When Friendship is torn apart, everything changes. Dear God, please show me the way how I can reconnect what that has been disconnected. I wish I could just stop everything. Cause I know, no matter how hard I tried to make things better, some just won't listen. To ALL my lovely friends, I'm sorry I wasn't much of a help. I'm sorry that I couldn't bring "Us" back together. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry to both sides. I'm really sorry. Even though I listened from both sides of the stories, I still couldn't find a solution to solve it. Once again, I'm too weak for my friends. I need a boyf. Labels: 73 more days, people |
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