Friday, July 31, 2009
F___n are you leaving or not? i don't why it hurts when i found that you're gonna leave. i've never shed any tears for you. but why now? suddenly, i ask myself. sometimes this thought comes to my mind that you were made just for me. that you were among the starts up in heaven and were brought down to earth just for me. i admit, i'm still trying to get over you. but no worries, i won't bother you. Thursday, July 30, 2009 Overdue pictures. I looked as if I was so into the game:) ![]() Nanat, Have a nice trip tonight :D Wednesday, July 29, 2009 Party in the USA-Miley Cyrus :D Some people know who. :P woke up early today thanks to the noise coming from the void deck, which totally interrupted my beautiful dream. doing e-learning later. i still have to take my shower first. i'm tired of texting with my "new friend". his name is syafiq, and he's like treating me like his girlfriend. wth! he's not even my age. he's one year younger. just like f___n. anyway, whatever lah. thanks to ?!?!. i appreciated you comment-.- i'm feeling depressed and i don't know why. why am i even thinking about you? Labels: not me., You are lame Tuesday, July 28, 2009 School had been great today, until when I'm on my home. I was kinda shead a few tears on my home. Now everything's not going to be the same again. I'm going to miss a whole lot of things. I don't even have the mood to blog. No school tomorrow and thursday. Well, at least this is the opportunity for me to sleep:) Lack of sleep this days. Watched to much TV. Anyway, thanks Nanat for cheering me up just now. Hahaha! Was texting with her about J.J. You know who?? Hahahah! Shakinah's new admire:) Kidding, of course. Now, I hate school. i was thinking back to where we started and how we lost all that we are. and now, times has changed. you were good at the earlier days, but you're showing your true colours all over again as days passed by and it's disappointing. i remembered the sms-es you gave me. "i breathe because of you." "goodnight, minahku." ( aww, kentalkan?) "you're the only one for me." now i'm starting to think about all that. all the "i love you" you gave me, now and then. even if you don't mean it, i would just smile. these days, when i'm sad thinking about him, you would appear out of nowhere and would make me all smiley. no matter how much my friends disagree with me liking you, i just rebel. i know you're a player, but there's something about you that made me feel this way. and now you're leaving. in times like this? who's gonna make me all smiley again? i know where i stand. i'm not supposed to like you. i'm not. but what if i did? i don't care if my homies are just gonna yell at me for writing this. cause it's already in my feelings, and it's difficult to change that. but then again, there's no use writing all this. you're not gonna read this. i'm saying all this is not because i'm in love with you. i just like you, that's all. cause i'm in love with someone else right now, which obviously i'm trying to get over with. anyway, goodbye. Labels: why do you have to leave? Monday, July 27, 2009 Why is everything happening so fast? Or am I the one who needs to catch up? Am I even doing the right thing? Did I make a wrong move? What's going on with the world? Is it spinning to fast? Or is it all because of me? All I need now is everything to fall back at it's own place. Or at least, go slower. How am I suppose to finish something up when another new one came about? Tell me. Letting everything all out in this pathetic blog isn't enough. I need someone. Someone caring,understanding,loving. Someone that actually understands what I'm going through right now. Someone that's willing listen to my story. Someone sincere. Parents? Then again I have to hear them nag. Teachers? Can't be bothered. Friends? Well, they have their own problems and I've bothered them enough. Well, I guess I shall just sit back and let everything happen. 'Cause sometimes I feel like I'm not needed around anymore. I'm like someone no one knew before. Dear friend, Why must it happen when I need you the most? Tell me. everything happens for a reason -Shakinah. Sunday, July 26, 2009 I would never have told you I love you. All I wish upon a wishing star is you & I got someone that is probably worth nothing. You're different from what I wish for. My tears of love all this while was a waste of time. Still, I'm confused on why I'm still clinging on to you. Maybe God is just testing me. Or not. Saturday, July 25, 2009 Presenting, SLEEQ! Alif & Syarif. Earlier in the morning went to religious class. Then straight away bused down with Mum to Tanjong Katong Complex at Geylang to watch Sleeq perform. It was GREAT! I took lots of pictures of them, but not so good quality:( Anyway, they had like a singing competition and Sleeq was the judge. I was sitting right next to their table. I was like freaking out. They performed "Cun Saja", which totally remind me of you. I was emo at that song. After that I'm hyper back! Lols. It was great. I'm actually sick, but Sleeq made me feel better:) Now, I'm sick again. Friday, July 24, 2009 "You used to shine so bright but I watched all of it fade. I'm leaving you alone now. I've bothered you enough. When you get her, I hope your happy." Labels: Goodbye. Yes, I LOVE SELENA GOMEZ. -.- Dee and Nanat are forcing me to love Selena Gomez. Well, I find her okay:) Wednesday, July 22, 2009 I think it's time for me to give up. What's the use of waiting for someone when he's not even waiting? Loving someone when he's not even loving? I think the call has come. It's time for me to move on. Maybe I should've done that a long me ago. I'm just gonna stop thinking about you. Pretend like I never love you before. Well, I shouldn't have in the first place. Now, I'm gonna not follow what my heart wants. Bye. Today has been an "okay" day for me. Today had Physics test. Mr Tan kept staring at me cause I was using my phone, and looking around for answers. Hahahah! Damn funny that teacher. Oh, I just found out that that I couldn't survive more than two hours without my phone. Thanks to Nanat:) After MCC, went Mac for a while. Sat down and wrote a story. Shakinah knows what it was about:) It's kinda sad, too. Anyway, after that rode the bus with Loopy for one whole round then I got off and went home. Do you smell anything funny? If you did, well that's me cause I have taken my shower yet. I slept immediately after I reached home. I'm currently having a slight running nose with a slight sore throat. And I'm currently also thinking about... you. Tuesday, July 21, 2009 I know I have been in love, but I waited a long time before using the word love to someone even though I'd be thinking it. Because I consider Love to be more than just a word. -Nick Jonas Expectation without Communication = Frustration I've been a little emo since these past few days. Just like Deeyana said, "Emoshit". Anyway, tomorrow MCC practise from 2pm-3pm. What kind of practise is that? Only 1hour?! It's funny. Special thanks to Nanat & Raudhah for packing all my stuff back into my bag during VE time, cause I was sleeping throughout the whole VE period. I even had a dream:) What am I feeling right now? Sad/Restless/Annoyed/Lonely/Happy/Frustrated. I still haven' do my Malay homework. Too lazy to do. I just feel like sleeping the entire night. Zzzzz. Almost forgot, Happy Birthday to Syafreak! You're 15 now. May God bless you, semoga panjang umur. Till then, stay happy & irritating:) Monday, July 20, 2009 Dear God, please take away my Life. I've suffered enough. Is this just a new beginning? Or is it the ending to everything? What's the meaning to all this that's happening? Please, show me the meaning. Cause I'm tired of searching. Why is all this happening to me? Am I strong enough to face all this? Why do challenges has to come everyday? Can it at least wait until one is over? Trust are lost. Promises are broken. Dreams are shattered. Happiness are now gone. Sadness are approaching. Tears are shed. Relationships that doesn't last. God, can you send someone to me? Someone that is caring & loving. So that he would just give me a comforting hug to make me chill. Dear God, I shall just leave everything to You. You know what's best for me. Till then, I'll just live my life like today is my last day. Until my very last breath. And then, I shall just wish everybody goodbye. Would my final goodbye even be worth it? I shall just watch everything happen in front of my eyes. Cause if I were to do something about it, I'm afraid that I might make a wrong move. Do you remember that I love you? Labels: Dear God. Saturday, July 18, 2009 ![]() fcuk. i hate myself right now and forever will, cause everyone's starting to hate me. everything that i do now is all wrong. i'm sorry bestie, homies & family. i don't think anyone should trust me now. i know i'm in the wrong, you just didn't want to tell me. this has proved my guiltyness all this while. it's okay if you hate me and regard me bestie no more. i understand. there's no point regretting, hanna. Labels: i'm really sorry. Thursday, July 16, 2009 School was okay today. Two teachers absent, so slacked at Kosi-O and take pictures all the way with Nanat and Raudhah. Funny siols! After school, blow lots of balloons. Well, I didn't. They did. After that, headed home. I don't know what to post about. I want all the pictures to be uploaded now! Especially that one picture. I want Shakinah to chillax. Don't think too much. He's always like that. Anyway, I'm happy today :) Smile for me, can? :D Wednesday, July 15, 2009 I.LOVE.MY.FRIENDS Big thanks to Shasha for passing those messages to me. Thanks to Deeyana for pretending to be mad at me for skipping class. Thanks to Nanat and Raudhah cause you guys are patient to handle my lame crappiness in class. Thanks to Iskandar for hanging out with us again, and I hope it will last. That's all :) Anyway, a bit emo earlier this morning. Well, actually a lot. Was just thinking about the stuff Shasha told me. Just wanna apologise if my previous post had left some harsh feelings to anyone. don't you know i've tried and i've tried to get you out my mind but it don't get no better as each day goes by and im lost and confused i've got nothing to lose hope to hear from you soon P.S. i'm still not over you. you said love can't be forced & i totally agree with that i understand how you feel cause i'm in your situation too apologies accepted, i guess no worries, i'll be fine i'm sorry, too for creating all these mess and i know it's not easy to give up someone you love it's okay, i'll be just fine. :) Labels: Apology Tuesday, July 14, 2009 I'm taking the opportunity to blog now, cause tonight will be watching TV the entire night. Today has been a great day, also a not-so-great day. I'm gonna be posting on some lovey-dovey stuffs, so if you want to read carry on. I'm just expressing my feelings. If you're bored, don't tell me I didn't warn you :) He's the only one I love. No other guys but you. You knew that I liked you, but I guess it wouldn't make any difference if you didn't know about it either. You're the only one who can make me smile from ear to ear. I would be happy even if we're just friends. Seriously, I don't love any other guys. Only faithful to one. I'm just being honest through this blog. Cause these words aren't going to come out of my mouth. I may say that I like 3 boys, but it was just a joke. Cause I know it's impossible for me to forget you. I would talk to you, but I'm just nervous whenever I'm around you. & That's why I just kept quiet and enjoy everything that I'm feeling. Can you at least, maybe just for few seconds, think about how I feel towards you? Would you even have the heart to do that? Every song that I listen to, reminds me of you. Evrything I do, reminds me of you. I'm missing you, but you're missing someone else & do you know how much that hurts me? I'm always trying to think of something to do that could make me forget about you, but it's difficult. I'll ignore every one of them, cause I only want you. I forget lots of things, cause you take the memory space in my head. It's hard to wait around for something that I know might never happen, but it's harder to give up especially is something that I ever wanted. I'm loving nobody but you. Trust me. You're the only one for me. Millions of people would complete this world, but I only need you to complete mine. I swear, I love you. Yes you, the Chinese one. I will never give up on you. If you don't love me, then somebody else will. Monday, July 13, 2009 Looks like things are all falling in place now. Everything has just turned normal again, & I love it. Shakinah bought Raudhah's birthday cupcake with each letter on every cupcake. From "Happy Birthday Raudhah", it turned out to be "Happy Birthday Audhah". Hahahah! Well, I'm not surprised. Shakinah's always were careless:) I have yet to update my Social Studies exrcise book. I have a question. Do you love your ex more or your crush more? I'm totally confused now. I'm torn between two guys. Well, actually 3. Hahaha! So bad right? I know. Well, what you expect. I'm still young:D oh yes, i love you & only you. Labels: 30 more days:) Friday, July 10, 2009 Doesn't it looked so wrong? :O ![]() NUR RAUDHAH BINTE SAPIEH:D 12 July 1994 May all your wishes come true. Love you! Anyway, today is one of the best days of my life. Iskandar hang-out with us today and it really shocked us. Wouldn't it be nice if it were to happen everyday, just like the old times? Sighs. Anyway, it was great. After school went to celebrate Raudhah's birthday by bashing her. Threw water bombs and flours at her, but I'm the one ended up having much dirtier then her. Throw flour at my hair, until it made me look like and old woman. Hahaha! Received and sms from Syafreak and it really touched my heart. Awwww:) After finish bashing up Raudhah, went to Diyanah Sec 2. house to wash up, and borrowed her t-shirt. Thanks a lot, and sorry for the trouble. After that went Mac, walked around hub then went home. Wonder what's gonna happen on Monday. Going out with my sister straight away after school. Meeting her up at City Hall. Tuition at 7pm later. Can take it or not? I'm so sleepy. Zzzzzz. you made me think about you all the time. that's when that smile would just spread on my face as fast as the lightning. i love you, i promise. Labels: Best days of my Life. Thursday, July 09, 2009 Miley Cyrus dropping a paparazzi's iPhone. Hahah! This is an old video. Taken on March 16 2009. Just felt like uploading this video:D Today could be one of the best days of my life. Lots of things happened. I love PE lesson today:) Really studied for Social Studies test and I can't believe that this is actually the first test that I really studied and concentrated on. Hahaha! Went to AMK Mac and chatted with wonderful girlfriends. Laughed a lot! Tomorrow staying back for something special, and it has nothing to do with studies. Btw, last night I had a dream. I was seducing JOE JONAS. Can you imgaine that?! So weird. But it was funny. I laughed about it when I woke up. It's like never gonna happen. And Nick Joans was sleeping in my room on the floor. Hahaha! Miley was in the kitchen. Wonder how it feels like to seduce Joe. Hmm... i don't have anymore hopes on you, cause i realise you're just a dream. Labels: Hapiness in the air Wednesday, July 08, 2009 I'm too lazy to blog actually. Well after school today, went J8 with homies then I went home. Tomorrow have Social Studies test, and I tell you have to memorise a lot! If fail have to copy the whole notes 10 times:O Siao! Anyway, have seen lots of improvement between him and us. Lols. This past few days Shakinah has been soo social to "Cun". Hahahaha! Thought of not going to school tomorrow, but then decided to go since nothing to so at home. Guess what?! Thanks to late Michael Jackson, I think today no Prison Break. WTH! But nevermind, respect the dead. I kinda miss Michael lately. His daughter was so sweet. She reavealed to the whole world that Michael was the best father in the whole universe. How sweet is that! Well, I watched the memorial thingy and I actually cried throughout the whole thing. How weird is that. I have never been a Michael fan before but I actually cried when he passed away. May he Rest In Peace:) no matter what happens to us in the future, seeing you everyday is the best day of my life. i will forever be ready to be yours. Labels: I miss Michael Jackson. Tuesday, July 07, 2009 ![]() ![]() It's Tuesday, and lot's of stuff happened. Well, mostly goodstuffs:) Really laughed a lot in class today, thanks to NatEyo and RauDidi(?). I got my name already. It's Hanickoe. If you're wondering what it is, it stands for Ha=Hanna, Nick=Nick Jonas and Oe=Joe. Get it? They said they prefer HannaJoeBeruk:O Anywho, I'm sooo ADDICTED to the song "Cun Saja". Totally reminds me of someone:) Thanks to SHACARTNEY! I love Jay-D today. Well, everyday, but I think today feels a little different, & I don't know why. Anyways, the guy who is stalking me is starting to call me again. Oh my God. Do you know that I'm actually leaving in fear? Can't he just levave me alone. It's sooo darn disgusting and irritating. Aaarrrggghhh! I want shout right now, but the neighbours might complain. Currently missing someone right now. if only you were kind enough to put me somewhere in your heart... Labels: MR :) Monday, July 06, 2009 ![]() Labels: Zoo outing. Sunday, July 05, 2009 Freaking stranger keeps calling me. I don't even know who the heck he is. I think his a foreigner, by the way he talks. I told him to stop calling me, then still can ask "why". Then I hung up on him. I ask him "Who are you." His reply was "Your friend." Then I ask him again "Who". Then he said "I love you". His making me feel all disgusted and scared at the same time. I just feel uncomfortable. So if any of you tried calling/sms-ing me, then I did not pick-up/reply, sorry 'cause I've been switching off my phone lately. But I most probably will reply, but a late reply. I'm feeling scared now. Labels: Stranger. Friday, July 03, 2009 Fcuk you, Chris White Honestly speaking. Sighs. Labels: You're hard to forget. & You, boy. Labels: everything fell apart Wednesday, July 01, 2009 I've been alone so many nights now And i've been waiting for the stars to fall I keep holding out for what i don't know To be with you Just to be with you So here i am, staring at the moon tonight Wondering how you look in this light Maybe you're somewhere thinking about me, too To be with you... there's nothing i wouldn't do And i can't imagine two worlds spinning apart, Come together eventually And when we finally meet i'll know it's right I'll be at the end of my restless road But this journey, it was worth the fight To be with you Just to be holding you for the very first time, Never letting go What i wouldn't give to feel that way Oh, to be with you And i can't imagine two worlds spinning apart, Come together eventually And when you're standing here in front of me That's when i know that God does exist 'cause he will have answered every single prayer To be with you Just to be with you, yeah You Ooooooh B.E.S.T.F.R.I.E.N.D.S. We were there when you needed us. Played pranks on each other, & even sharing lame jokes. Whether we're happy,sad,angry,irritated We went through it all TOGETHER. What happen to all those? Doesn't it even ring you a bell? Doesn't it even make you change you thoughts about us? What happened to the old you? Where is he? Cause the one that I'm seeing now isn't the one I knew. You changed a whole lot. Bestf. I miss you. Life changes as days goes by, & so does people. Especially the friends that you love most, turned you down. Forgive and forget. Don't you think that we can all start all over again? You know, I really miss those times that we all spent together. Those lame jokes are missed. The sound of our laughters suddenly went silent. What happened? Have you ever think about us? All we think about is how to get you back into our cliques, but you didn't even bother to even say "Hello" to us. I hope you realise that we all actually did miss the those times, and even you. Cause suddenly, it's all so silent. Watching couples making out under your void deck isn't actually a nice thing to see. I mean, couldn't they find a better place to make out? Must it be under the void deck? People these days. I wonder if in the future, would they make out at the carpark? Maybe they would:O I can say that I'm starting to have a crush on my Geography teacher:D Well, he's cute. I'll love you until my very Last Breath. This I promise to You. Labels: Bestfriend. |
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