Monday, August 31, 2009
i'm falling for an old friend. *dreaming* :D will update blog tomorrow. i'm still in my "la-la land" ..... Saturday, August 29, 2009 i want to cry. i want to kill myself now. dear God, please show me the right path to lead. :'( i wish someone would ease the pain that i'm feeling right now. i wish someone would give me a reason to keep believing that someday i'm gonna see the light. ... Labels: Happy 51st Birthday to late Michael Jackson. Friday, August 28, 2009 i used to be love drunk, but not anymore i use to love you, but not anymore i hope Thursday, August 27, 2009 suddenly, i miss you. and i hate missing you. :( i can upload a piture:D i think eithe today or yesterday was dog day in america and miley tweeted: "happy national dog day." i went -.- i hate dogs, but not all. i only hate one dog. :) Tuesday, August 25, 2009 "MUMMY" BRYAN CHUA! May all your wishes come true and stay cheerful:) The picture cute, but the cute one is my pencil box, not Bryan:P i'm so addicted to my pencil box. :D as you can see, i have not been updating lately, cause my mum is at home:( so cannot use laptop often, cause need to study for the upcoming exams. yeah, anyway been hearing/seeing the word "dog" and it totally made me all paranoid. tomorrow NO mcc practice. probably going toa payoh with the girls:) btw, got back my social studies test paper and i score ful marks! wooohhoooo. i told you i'm good at social studies:) melihat kau bahagia dengan si dia, aku meraung di jiwa M.R Friday, August 21, 2009 it's 7.35 pm and i just saw something. omg. i feel like i wanna kill myself right now. someone please give me one tight of slap now. i don't want to talk about this bullsh*t anymore. you're just stupid. plain stupid. :( "Some people come for a reason, some came only for a season." something new i learn today. i totally hate fridays. the days that i like are tuesday/wednesday. that's all. maybe because fridays are meant to be boring? i don't know. tomorrow start fasting:( NANAT: CHEER UP! you deserve someone better. someone that's worth your time. someone that actually cares for you. someone that isn't blur sotong. look at the quote above there. maybe he's just there for a season. every ending is a new beginning:) i'm still trying to find some inspirations to write a song. someone help me can? yeah, i changed my link. got a problem with that? :D Thursday, August 20, 2009 last night is the night that i hate the most:( nanat sent me the song "meraung" during bio today, and i didn't know that the song is that sad. totally emo during that time. PE did my frisbee assesment. i didn't know that PE also have assesment. thanks to lemond, i got hit on the head by a flying frisbee. ouch! during recess today had a little hilarious argument with iskandar. then went to buy foolscap for myself and shakinah. she was crapping about how happy she is after getting the foolscap:) social studies test was supppeeeerrr easy 'cause i had already memorised everything:) thank God. i'm suppose to write a song just now. i already had some inspirations on writing one, but i forgot already. my new ambition now is to be a song-writer. i'll be writing the song tonight. can't wait:) it's gonna be a sad one, definitely. not sure whether wanna write an english song or a malay song. things to be done later:
before i forget, DEMI LOVATO! & Happy 15th Birthday to Joelynn Wong! may all your wishes come true:D Wednesday, August 19, 2009 all this while, i don't know how i manage to pull thru all this pain that was cause by you, without you knowing. i knew better than to let you break my heart. you still love her, i can see it in your eyes. you're not worth my time. i deserve someone better, but definitely not you. so now i'm gone & i'll move on, i promise. this will my last goodbye. this will be my last lovey-dovey post. and i know you'll be like "finally." today has been a funny day, for me. if you wanna know what happened, go to nanat's blog. i'm too lazy to type:P tomorrow have PE and i can't wait for it. also continue english test. i have my summary to finish up. and then social studies test, which i have not memorise the notes yet. will do it tonight and tomorrow morning. i think social studies is the only subject that i'm good in, and concentrate really well. i don't know why. maybe because the teacher is strict? i don't know. this saturday start fasting already. omg, it's like so fast. one month of fasting. which means, i cannot:
what i can do is:
wow. but nevermind, if i can do it last year, i can do it again, right? must be very confident and think positive:) Tuesday, August 18, 2009 i swear, that these days, everybody has been a pain in the ass to me. first you, then you, then you, then you again. can you all at least give me peace for a while? lepas satu, satu lagi. i'm just sick of all this drama that's happening. with all this happening, i know i can count on my homies. you guys know who you are. thanks for always being there for me:) i miss aisyah so badly:( Monday, August 17, 2009 currently addicted to this malay+chinese love story. the movie title is "sepet". it's half malay, and half chinese. i'll summarise the story. it's about this chinese boy and malay girl. they both fell in love with each other. they became couple and were so happy. then one day, if i'm not wrong, the chinese guy accidentally had sex with his ex-girlfriend. then the ex-girlfriend got pregnant, so she told her brother. her brother is a gangster, so he went to find this chinese boy to tell him to take the responsibility. then this malaygirl found out. they broke up, then the malay girl got attached to this malay boy. but of course, she's still so in love with the chinese boy. then one day, the malay girl had to go study overseas. on her way to airport, she tried calling the chinese boy to say goodbye, but there was no answer because, he was on his way to the airport. he was driving his bike, btw. he was speeding cause he thought he might be late. then suddenly got into an accident, he died. this is the link to the movie: i think i wanna watch it again, just to boost up my mood, but then in the end, i cry:( i cried when this whole movie finished. it's so sad+romantic+cute. there's english subtitles. so cute how different races can fall in love with each other, and yet stay happy. how i wish all this could happen to me, excluding the sex+death part, of course. btw, the chinese guy in this movie, he's cute. he looked a little bit like ... oh, i don't even want to think about it.i'm soo pissed off at someone right now. fcuking stupid dog. before i fall too fast kiss me quick but make it last so i can see how badly this will hurt me when you say goodbye keep it sweet keep it slow let the future pass and don't let go but tonight i could fall too soon under this beautiful moonlight chorus: but your so hypnotizing you've got me laughing while i sing you've got me smiling in my sleep and i can see this unraveling your love is where i'm falling but please don't catch me see this heart won't settle down like a child running scared from a clown i'm terrified of what you do my stomach sreams just when i look at you run far away so i can breathe even though you're far from suffocating me i can't set my hopes too high cause every hello ends with a goodbye chorus so now you see why i'm scared i can't open up my heart without a care but here i go it's what i fell and for the first in my life i know it's real but you're so hypnotizing you've got me laughing while i sing you've got me smiling in my sleep and i can see this unraveling your love is where i'm falling so please don't catch me if this is love please don't break me i'm giving up so just catch me Labels: catch me Saturday, August 15, 2009 Happy 20th Birthday, Joseph Adam Jonas a.k.a Joe Jonas! I love this picture:D ![]() Labels: Joseph Adam Jonas Friday, August 14, 2009 wanted to upload a video and pictures of me trying to surf in the toilet, but i think it's embarassing:) anyways, had loads of fun today. something hilarious happened during recess time, which totally made me laugh too loud, that some people are staring. i couldn't control myself already. hahaha! had POA test today. slacked at the canteen for a while, counting the money that is needed to pay for the mcc t-shirts. we are still short of $75. sighs, normila didn't want to contribute a bit. shakinah was acting like someone crazy and keep blabbing crap stuffs. really laughed a lot with her. oh yeah, LOOPY WEDDING CONCEPTS:D went to mac after that, but then too crowded, so went to kfc. then no one wants to eat there, went to the hawker centre to drink sugarcane juice. then saw two funny things and laughed non-stop with iskandar and raudhah. deeyana can't be bothered cause she didn't get what we are laughing at. hahaha! rahmat went home after that. me, shakinah, deeyana, dewi and iskandar took the train. i went home, they went toa payoh to collect the shirts. seriously, i haven't laugh this much for a very long time. i'm gonna remember today's date. 140809. i laughed a lot, and i swear that i'm going to cry tonight. nanat has been singing this malay songs that really made me laugh, cause she changed the lyrics. nanat jarang pulang, henrie jarang dibelai. now i can't wait for school next week. wonder what next week would bring:) when tomorrow starts without me, and i'm not there to see you anymore. Labels: 140809 Thursday, August 13, 2009 send it on by miley cyrus, jonas brothers, demi lovato, selena gomez beautiful song. beautiful video. current favourite one. Labels: send it on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Finally turned 15. anyway, had a great time today. thanks to(for the wishes and presants): deeyana,loopy,nanat,raudhah,dewi,nunu,diyanah,jesscca,zubir,iskandar,rahmat,syafreak, syafiqTTM,zaza,khairi,bryan,melati,melody,ivy,lisa,jing da,kelvin,kai xen(did i spell correctly?),saiful,gerard,huda, kak lin,zuervina,sec 2 girls(too many names),kak imah sec3. thanks a lot! if i didn't mention your name, i'm sorry. too many to remember. i received a watch with diamonds(keep for hari raya),two perfumes,t-shirts,demi lovato album(finally!), birthday cards, $50,a holiday trip(that i will never wish for again), a birthday cake. really had loads of fun today. want see pictures of today? wait till they upload:) i'm currently having fun listening to demi's album. don't jealous:D Labels: Fifteen Tuesday, August 11, 2009 tomorrow whose birthday? i'm still trying to figure out. :P reached home yesterday at 3.00am cause somehing happened. honestly,i didn't have any fun being there. it was life the worst holiday that i ever had in my entire life. seriously. reached kelantan on 8 august at about 11am. 13 hours in the bus was a torture. but of course, it stopped at few places. the hotel was i think a 2 star hotel, and it was TERRIBLE. even my mum said so. there bed bugs on my bed, and unfortunately it bit me. it bit me at my cheeks, necks, hands, legs and my back. did a lot of scratching this days. lucky it was only a one night stay. phew! the next day went to terengganu. i like the hotel. it's very small. only can fit two people. nothing to shop there. i just bought few bangles and souveniors for homies. that's all. i never wanna go there again. today: i'm hyper today, and you should know why:) anyway, 4 days without computer was a torture. i got the results for the Teen Choice Awards that was held last Saturday. Miley won 6 categories, Jonas Brothers won 5 categories, Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez won 2. Nick and Miley won the best summer song. Awwww! Anyway, got the video of Miley performing her sing Party In The USA:) i think this is one of the best performance that i've seen her perform:D Thursday, August 06, 2009 today has been quite a day, but i'm too lazy to type about it. anyway, after school today slack at canteen for about 15 mins, then went amk mac. sat there until 3, then i went to meet mummy at j8. we were looking for my birthday cake, and we found one:) we order the cake cause won't be in singapore until monday. tomorrow night going malaysia. no sms/laptop for about 4 days. you should really watch the video below. when the disney stars go bald:) btw, new vanessa hudgens naked photos are leaked. doesn't she learn from the previous mistakes:( Labels: Happy Advance 15th Birthday, Zaza:) Wednesday, August 05, 2009 these days, we all go to school by ourselves. it's kinda funny, though. anyway, today me and nanat slept in physics class until all the saliva come out. yucks. mine a bit, but i think nanat's one quite bad :P and this why i don't get dates:) anyway, mrs yusoff was bragging about how good she and her husband is at cutting their kids hair. we get it, okay? slacked around at canteen while waiting for practice to start. thanks to shakinah and deeyana, i was the only senior girl today at practice, and i had to do solo in the beginning. going toa payoh tomorrow with shakinah to make the mcc shirt. quite excited actually. finally, i made a twitter. hahaha! i've been like wanting to create one since last time, but i delayed it. if you haven't make one, go! then can follow me:) i don't feel like going to school tomorrow. but i will, i think, cause i want to do PE. frisbee! exactly 1 more week to.. you know. if you don't know what on earth i am talking about, count seven days from now. what do i want for my birthday? i freaking want a hannah montana birthday cake, then demi lovato's album, followed by a new phone, then comes a new bag, new t-shirts (i'm a "t-shirt junkie". i have loads of t-shirts in my closet) i put it the last choice, cause i know it will NEVER happen. but i'm cool about it:) what am i thinking of now? ermm, what time am i going to shower. what is my ringtone? touch my hand by david archuleta. what is my message tone? cun saja by sleeq. Tuesday, August 04, 2009 finally, i get to change my blogskin:) anyway, i don't know what to blog about. 8 more days to "that" special day. so fast 15 years of life has already passed by. anyway, going malaysia this friday and will be there until monday. well, like nanat say it's very stress relieving when you go there. of course! imagine 3 days without receiving any text messages! well, for those using prepaid. no disturbance. just enjoy the environment there:) btw, to those minah that has been prank calling me, GET ALIVE, okay! i did not text/answer his call/messages anymore. don't keep on blaming me for something that is totally not true. i feel pity for him to have a girlfriend like you. HONESTLY SPEAKING. if you're reading this, that's good. if you did not, i'm disappointed. you think i have nothing better to do then smooching with him. like as if you did not smooch with other guys. you wanted to meet me, i came down but you didn't turn up. and now you're just cursing me thru phone?! whatever okay, just think what you want. i pity him, not you. dear God, convince me that he's not mine. Joe Jonas carried a little girl on stage. Awww! Imagine that's me. I think I'd faint! Saturday, August 01, 2009 in your honour, i would fight and die tonight. for you to feel alive. my world ends and begins with you. i' all i need now is someone telling me that everything will be alright. everyday is a new chapter to life. like they say, that every ending is just a new beginning to something. people that i love and trust the most all this while,she was just pretending. i told you everything, but in the end i'm the one to be blamed. i trust you so much. but what wrong have i done to you, that made you act this way? tell me, cause i'm really lost right now. why do life has to be this complicated? give me some space. i need to some air to breathe. now, i only depend on dearest homies. but then again, i don't want to bother them, cause they already have so much in their mind. i guess i'll just shut up for now. Labels: Happy 14th Birthday, Rahmat:) |
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