Tuesday, September 29, 2009
i'm still in my la-la land (: don't disturb. guess what i bought today? UPIN & UPIN coloured pen. 10 pens, 10 different colour. cool or what? from today onwards, whoever text me, please start with "Na". the "Na" comes from Hanna. get it? example: na, meet me now. hahaha! i just like it without a reason. anyway, i think i've been entering my la-la land very often this past few days. i'm just happy, that's all :) i miss my dodoi already ): Labels: la-la land (: Monday, September 28, 2009 won't be updating often. having remedial EVERYDAY after school. and each remedial ends at 4.30pm. so, no time to update. i seriuosly need to focus on my examinations :O bye! you're name is carved like a tattoo in my heart<3 Friday, September 25, 2009 When I'm able to power through the times when I want to give in, I become so much stronger than I thought was ever possible :) i fall for you, again <3 Thursday, September 24, 2009 :) Labels: Party in the USA music video:) Wednesday, September 23, 2009 i'm currently feeling awfully down, and i don't know why. it's just that i have that feeling. when you feel like you wanna talk to someone, but you just don't know who to turn to. i just feel like i'm all alone now. when all my cliques out there enjoying their lives, i'm here still thinking who i can talk to ): these days has been so...different. wanting you to be wanting me but that's never gonna happen. I know you can't stay so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the fall We had our time baby so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the call Baby it's over, we both know let's go foward I love you but in a different way I'll love you forever Now that we've come to the end of our story And I know that it's gunna be hard for me Might hurt some Might get too much But I gotta let it be As the world turns around and we go different places, New things, new dreams, new faces When we shake up When we break up But we keep our memories Coz, I know you can't stay so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the fall we had our time baby so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the call Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK Baby it's better and I want you to be happy sometimes people find it's so hard just to say goodbye ain't easy the more and the more you try so there'll be cheatin', bit of theivin' but not me and my boy We understand that we're friends and it just ain't workin' no point in the constant fighting so we'll be grownups for a minute and admit that we're just not in it I know you can't stay so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the fall we had our time baby so I won't be waiting anticipating for the call turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK turn it up turn it up for the people that say, we're moving on and we'll be OK turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK I might lose my mind for a while but I'll be fine (fine) Have you heard there's this thing that heals and it's God's sign clock can tick away happy we'll fall in place i know my heart will break a new me will fill this space I know you can't stay so i won't be waiting, anticipating for the fall we had our time baby so i won't be waiting, anticipating for the call Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say we're moving on and we'll be OK Labels: Fall (Turn it Up) Tuesday, September 22, 2009 it's already the 3rd day of hari raya. yesterday went to my dad's side. the day before that, stayed at grandma's place. lot of guests there. the last guest came at almost 12am, i think. haha! anyway, slept at 2am last night then woke up at 6am cause cannot sleep. so decided to go to school rather than waste time at home. not much people came. i'm alone in class today. shakinah and deeyana came today. suppppeeeerrr sleepy in class. slept a lot of time. zzzzz. after school, went j8 with shakinah and deeyana. ate at LJS. then walked around. i bought a jonas brothers magazine that came with a free t-shirt. i was expecting the shirt with a picture of them. end up, i opened the shirt and all that's written on the shirt was "JONAS" -.- so now at home. i hope everything will be the same tomorrow. i just wish it would turn out just like today. only God knows. if it's not you, then who? if it's not now, then when? i'm on the edge of breaking down. Labels: 200909 :) Friday, September 18, 2009 Last day of fasting tomorrow! Hari Raya coming! Woooohhooo:D HAPPY ADVANCE HARI RAYA TO ALL MUSLIMS! :) lots of things are currently in my mind right now. Family, Friends & you. i just don't know who to turn to. all i need now is a pair of listening ears and a shoulders for me to cry on. why is everything changing? why does it seem so different? or am i the only one who's just think this way? i ask myself. now, i feel like i wanna be like a kid again. so happy, so cheerful, problems-free. i miss loopy :( Labels: hari raya Wednesday, September 16, 2009 i've been very paranoid lately. i don't know why. it's just that i couldn't find my happy self whenever i'm around that person. well, i just wanna apologise if i did accidentally scold any of you guys. i really didn't mean it. sorry, i'm not suppose to venge my anger out to anybody. earlier this morning, didn't feel really good. thanks to bryan and zheng lun, their actions made me laugh a lot, especially bryan trying to irritate everyone. hahaha! after school, slacked foyer while waiting for mcc to start. not much turned up for today's practice. after practice, went home. i wanna say thanks to: nanat- for telling me the news:) shakinah- for being my listening ear before mcc started and cheering me up:) deeyana- actually i don't know what she did. lols. raudhah- for cheering me up thanks guys. i don't know how am i going to continue to stay strog without all your support. the person that's missing is nurul amanina. where are you? hahaha. i don't know why i'm mad at you but i just don't want to see you i'm moving on. Nicholas Jerry Jonas! (Nick Jonas) :) and not forgetting, Happy 11th Birthday, Mohd. Ameen:) Monday, September 14, 2009 will blog when i feel like i want to. these days, not in the mood to blog:( sorry ...... someone asked me today if i love you, it was sad cause all i could say was "used to." & if you realize that i have not been looking at you in awhile, it's because you pushed me away. what i have to remind myself now is to be strong. it might be stormy now, but it won't rain forever. what hurt's the most is when the one who break your heart is the only one who can fix them back. the scars in my heart are the reminders of you. no matter how much things there are in my mind, the thought of you will always squeeze through. ...... Labels: being hurt Saturday, September 12, 2009 whatever you do, wherever you go i will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks i will be right here waiting for you ..... Love is patient, love is kind It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres ..... Friday, September 11, 2009 i wish i wasn't alive today or probably alive with another soul Thursday, September 10, 2009 yesterday outing with reihana. met her at bishan mrt and mrt-ed own to bugis. i got 3 pairs oe earings, 1 necklace and a bag for hari raya. we bought the bag first, then went down to swensen's to make reservations for breaking fast. they told us to be back at the restaurant by 0645. we couldn't find anything to do, so reihana treated me to a movie. BANDSLAM! it was quite good, actually. very funny. movie finished at about 6.30pm, so we went to swensen to pace our order. while waiting for the food to come, reihana was tweeting. then i tweeted, but then i had difficulties tweeting because unfortunately, i forgot what my password was. there's a lot of thing in my mind, until twitter password also i forget. after dinner, went back to bugis street and reihana bought me all the other stuffs. then we took the train back home. took a lot of pictures, but all of them is with her. anyway, thanks for everything and also willing to hear my "boy problem". hahas! reihana montana:) i seriosly need to start smiling again. more smiling, less emoing/crying/angry. sooner or later you still have to get over it, hanna. it's so difficult for me to crack a smile. if i did smile, it's a fake one ): it's a one-sided love story. HAPPY ADVANCE 15th BIRTHDAY NURUL NATASHA a.k.a URBIE:) Finally you're turning 15, but I'm still older than you :D Anyway, may all your wishes come true. We've been thru a lot together. Tough times, easy times. Thank God, we manage to pull thru it all. I couldn't upload picture cause blogger is jealous cause it's youor birthday:P Yeah, stay cheerful always! Love you <3 Labels: Happy Birthday Nanat Wednesday, September 09, 2009 Yesterday by Leona Lewis Over you by Daughtry Credits: nanat & shakinah (: woke up at 0915 today and that was early. far from my usual time that usually wake up. i had a dream of you today, and that's why i woke up. the funny thing is, eveything that's in the dram felt so real, like it's giving me signs that it's really gonna happen. well, i don't know, but it just seem so real. anywho, thanks to nanat, shakinah, deeyana and addy or eddy for making me laugh yesterday thru the webcam thingy. it was real funny:) thanks a lot. now remind me again, when was the last time i laugh like that? :D not going for maths class today. meeting up reihana afterwards. going buka puasa with her and need to buy some stuff. going shopping too, but i'm broke :( my mum gave me only 20 bucks. my other money have been used to buy the stupid dvd which cost nearly to 30 bucks. crap! now i'm only with about 36 including the 20 my mum gave. probably come home tonight with my wallet empty. so pathetic. & i cry myself to sleep every night cause it was suppose to hurt i felt like the victim, & it cut me like a knife this time ....... Monday, September 07, 2009 MCC practice today wasn't that fun, for me. i'm totally out of mood already. thanks guys, for trying to cheer me up. but sorry, this time it's not gonna work. whatever it is, sooner or later i will still move on. now, i'm just still in shock about it. so yeah, no worries. thanks:) going for maths class on wednesday, then maybe going out with reihana. then friday, breaking fast at nanat's house cause it's her birthday:) you know, sometimes i feel like i want my life last time when i didn't know the meaning of love yet. i was so much happier then. but yeah, time change & so do people. hope to be a better person. i can't get my nose pierce, cause someone will be mad. so i planned to get second piercing on my ear instead. i used to promise that i would love you forever, i'm sorry that promise, i have to break forever is now over ..... Labels: moody Sunday, September 06, 2009 my heart's in tiny pieces right now. can you piece them back for me? i guess not. Friday, September 04, 2009 I.LOVE.MY.PARENTS. please. don't do this to me. it kills. now i see. there's no point in living anymore. ...... Thursday, September 03, 2009 asshole nye ciner. hal dah settle, apehal kau nak blog psl bende tu lagi kan? you're just trying to make a big fuss about something that's small. you're just being P.L. -.- you're just being an attention seeker, that's all. muker lawa, perangai mcm b*tch. paham-paham lah sape-sape yang terase pedasnye. Labels: lame assholes. alhamdulillah(thank God) everything is over, i hope. whatever it is, just cry me a river, build a bridge and GET OVER IT. :D today was an okay day. and i hope tomorrow would be better. or not. i'm nervous on getting my results slip tomorrow. i think i fail a lot :( i'm suppppeeerrr bored right now. going grandma's house later. going out with mummy tomorrow, so which means after school i straight away go home. next week holiday. i'm aiming to be using that time studying/revising. i don't want to retain. "it hurts to love and hate you at the same time" Wednesday, September 02, 2009 the time is 9:31pm and i just reach home:) crap a lot with nanat in class today. took tons of pictures during POA lesson just now. mcc practice today is a little tiring for me cause i'm really thirsty and hungry, but of course had to endure. break fast at LJS with shakinah, rahmat, kak chubs and hid duper. first time meet hid, kinda funny. after that went home with shakinah. she seemed a little excited texting that somebody. hahas! mrt-ed back home. walking back home, then suddenly saw a group of minahrep/matrep under my void deck. i didn't use my specs so i couldn't be bothered with them. then suddenly, one of the guys called me. i was kind of shock. i thought i did something wrong, then maybe thought that they want beat me. turned out that all of them were the ones that i recently made friends with:) so chatted with them for about one hour. one of the girls asked me to smoke with them, and i told them i don't want to be a smoker, i want to be a lover:) i told them that i wanted to go home already cause i'm supppeerrr tired. one of the guy, fauzie, sent me home. talked with him then he actually confessed something to me:) quite shocked at what he told me, but i told him to move on, cause i'm in love with someone else. sighs, feel bad for him. anyways, i want to get my nose pierced. anyone can follow me to get it done? :D "why do i always see your face whenever i close my eyes?" Labels: 12th day of fasting already Tuesday, September 01, 2009 :) anyway, yesterday had the teacher's day celebration in school and it was an okay event. i was kind of irritated at where i'm sitting in the hall. nanat knows why;) homies followed me and deeyana to bishan to visit our primary school. met up with nabil first at the playground outside school. all i gotta say is i had a fun time yesterday. met most of my primary school mates, and i already miss them :( especially, you know who. :P saw nico at my school. haha, just being random. i left earlier while deeyana and kircheal continue to find teachers, while the boys play soccer in the canteen. today, no school. finally, time for me to sleep. chatted with nanat, and told me what's going to happen tomorrow. i'm sooo ready! semalam tak nak turun, besok baru nak turun. oh well. oh, tomorrow have mcc practise. mcc members don't forget to bring your shirt. having tuition later. zzzzz i seriously want to buy miley's album. it's worldwide release was yesterday:D oh, he's online :) ..... Labels: Happy Teacher's Day |
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