Friday, October 30, 2009
today is the last day of school for this year. time is relly fast. next year, graduating year for the Express/NT :( the whole of next week and probably the following week, i still have to go to school for the remedial that has been prepared for my re-test. 16 and 17 nov. will be my exam dates. i seriously don't know what to blog about. i can't describe my feelings right now. i'm not in a good mood, definitely :( all i know is that i just feel like bursting into tears right now. sighs. Labels: last day of school Wednesday, October 28, 2009 i'm really stressing out about tomorrow's PTM. i can already picture my mum's face when she knows about my results :( well, i tried my very best already, and she was stressing me out during the exam period. i can guarantee she'll nag at me in front of everybody tomorrow. sighs, if only she understand. Ibu, all i need you to do is to give me your support and not yell at me. i know i've disappoint you couple of times, but you know i didn't mean it, right? besides, nobody's perfect. every kids dissapoint their parents. i bet when you were younger, you also did make your parents sad, right? this is partof growing up. you can't compare me to the other clever kids out there. this is who i am. i can't follow their ways, cause i've got my own ways to handle my own life. will you just understand me and put yourself in my position? i'm given second chance, and i will prove it to you that i'm lazy like what you think. i know i sleep a lot at home, and i rarely study, but i realize now how important eduation is and im trying to change. just give me sometime. i wish life isn't this complicated. Labels: stressing/freaking out Monday, October 26, 2009 things had been difficult for the past few days. and yeah, i have to do a re-test in order to be promoted to sec 4 :( but i will definitely try supppeeerrr hard 'cause i'm positive that i can do it. all i need to do now is FOCUS. i've been feeling down for the past days. just before i go to bed, i'll shed few tears, reflecing on what happen during the day, and thinking about all the problems i'm having. then i'll wake up the next morning with tears in my eyes, wondering what would happen later part of the day. sighs :( i want to let out some stuff in my blog today. i got attached last friday with Fauzi. after several months he tried to make me his, he finally got his wish. lols. everything went fine, when this morning, at 1.30am, i decided to break up with him. you'll definitely feel pissed off when you found out that your boyfriend/girlfriend lie to you right? that's what i'm feeling right now. i've known him for almost a year, and yesterday was the FIRST time he yelled at me. we fought quite a lot yesterday, and i decided to make the move. i don't really have much feelings for him, anyway. i'm actually kinda disappointed in myself, too. his friends tried to convince me that he's not what i thought he was. but yeah, i was too stubborn, and this is what i get. To Fauzi, i'm still shock that you actually yelled at me. i thought you were really sincere in loving me. i trusted you, and i told you everything. EVERYTHING. you knew everything about me. about my life, and you are even willing to listen to me talking about him. you gave me advices when i'm feeling down, and give me a comforting hug. you tried to convice me plenty of times about trusting you. well, i did. yesterday, when you blurted out that you were actually not sincere towards me, i felt like i was just stabbed in the back. i never knew you'd be like this. just wanna tell you, thanks for everything. i just realised that all the stuff you told me was actually bullsh*t. no point in apologising to me now. i gave you the chance, and you totally blew it. i accepted you, thinking that maybe i could move on from him. but the more i'm with you, the more i think of him. you knew about the bad stuff that i just faced few weeks ago, and now you're adding more into it. you're no help at all. just so you know, i'm not in love with you and never will. and you do know that i'm in love with someone else. anyway, thanks for the past few days. i hope that you have a great life ahead. this is what you want, this is what you get. no point shedding tears in front of me, cause i'm not gonna fall for that again. goodbye:) this is the shortest relationship i've been in. a 3-day relationship. but, i felt really great letting him go. i'm not even upset actually, just disappointed only. anyway, the past is the past. i'mn ot looking back. i'm just gonna concentrate on my studies and the future:) btw, class photo-taking today was AWESOME:D "M" is very helpful today, and Chris Putih looked cuter than before:) he looked much more charming today, honestly speaking. i love you more and more as time goes by<3 Labels: stabbed in the back Friday, October 23, 2009 ![]() Thursday, October 22, 2009 and i'm still wondering, how did the picture (above) existed? i mean, when was it taken? school was suppppeeerrrr fun today! after morning assembly, my class straight away went up to the hall to attend our break dancing course. the above guy up there was our instructor. farhan was his name. after a lot of practices my class did, some of us manage to break dance already, including me :) other classes did hip-hop, rapping, learn how to be a dj (i forgot what is was called. lols) and i think drumming also. not forgetting, hosting. about 11.30am, watched the whole performance in hall and it was darn good. the video above explains it all. syeikh haikal came to our school, followed by his wife, annebelle and all his other dance crew. they will be opening their studio next month, and i probably wanna go visit it. i fell in love with break dance today :O it was a jolly good show, and i really want to meet-up with them again, especially farhan. he's kinda cute :P i took photos with syeikh too! lols. " it's easy to fall in love, but it's not easy to fall out of love" <3 Labels: break dance. Wednesday, October 21, 2009 and i'm drowning in my tears now :( there are only two important things in my mind right now. my results and .. actually i don't really know what the other is. anyway, i want to thank raudhah, shakinah, deeyana for trying to tell me not to worry, and also to fauzie for practically saving my life just now and for being a good listening ear just now. thanks for the hug, too :) thank you guys so much. i couldn't ask for more <3 i guess today wasn't good as the other days? well, not only today, but this whole week. sometimes in life, you will definitely feel like there's no point in living no more. i'm currently in that situation right now, and i don't know who to turn to. just gotta bear in mind that everything happens for a reason. & to deeyana, i have never thought of comitting suicide, okay?don't worry, why would i wanna leave all the people that i love, right? anyway, you can be my counsellor, right? ;D my feelings for you are starting to fade. bit by bit. Tuesday, October 20, 2009 i'm.freaking.tired zzzzz another mcc practice tomorrow and friday. before i forgot, just a little note: did you say that your life is better now? that's great, cause our lives are much more better (: am i being sarcastic? well then, okay. typical people who's always putting the blame on me. -.- i'm gonna go for a quick nap, while waiting for my show to start. goodbye. .......... will you say that you love me? show me that you care? & when i say " i need you", you will always be there? my love will always be with you. i swear. Labels: whatever Sunday, October 18, 2009 HAHAHAHAH! took me long enough to realise the guy with the moustache was Nick J. & the guy in the 80s hair was Joe J. LMAO:) demi was cute though. i feel like a small kid, blogging about this stuff, but i just can't help it. this is what you do when you're a big fan of certain celebs. you just can't help it! this video was uploaded about a week ago. but i just blog about it now. miley rap on leaving twitter. i'm supppeeerrr bored that's why i'm doing this random stuff. Labels: Bounce/Goodbye Twitter Saturday, October 17, 2009 You're fifteen. Yay! Though we're not close during our primary school days, but we difinitely did grew together in this current school. May all your wishes come true:D Labels: 171009 Thursday, October 15, 2009 a couple of years and I’m gonna know your name it’s like I waited for you forever and I know this might sound insane. but it won’t be long til’ we’re gonna take this up. what I’m talking about our future love. it’s so far away. and baby you’re right next door. got me picturing your face again. something worth waiting for. i put all others behind me. they don’t live up. i know what I want what I need to the T. baby if they ask me. i would say I don’t even know your name. and when they ask me: does it change? no it don’t change a thing. ’cause it’s something about the way you love me. and it’s something about the way you know me. that I can’t explain enough. just something about our future love future love future love. something about a future love future love future love. walking hand in hand. going on the second date. i can picture how we’re touching and the kiss I can almost taste. i imagine the all the ways. we meet for the very first time. i can see the place feel the love at first sight. baby if they ask me. i would say I don’t even know your name. and when they ask me: does it change? no it don’t change a thing. ’cause it’s something about the way you love me. and it’s something about the way you know me. that I can’t explain enough. just something about our future love future love future love. something about a future love future love future love. i know the minute you pull up next to me. we standing there like destiny. when it feels like you’re fighting just to breathe that’s when you know. the minute I pull up next to you. suddenly you don’t know what to do everything inside you says that I’m the one. baby if they ask me. i would say I don’t even know your name. and when they ask me: does it change? no it don’t change a thing. ’cause it’s something about the way you love me. and it’s something about the way you know me. that I can’t explain enough.[2x] just something about our future love Labels: future love EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER! :) physics paper and POA paper was managable. i didn't get to finish my POA paper :( today is kinda one of the worse days for me. my flu has gotten worse. i'm starting to have a headache and fever :( my feets are so weak, that i had difficulties walking home just now. lucky thing, i didn't faint :O i don't know if i still have my medication. maybe going doctor tomorrow. seriously, i feel like i'm half-dead. is it really you texting me? i'm still not sure. if it's a joke, it's not funny. Labels: stupid virus attacking me Monday, October 12, 2009 woke up at 9am today, and get dressed for school. i couldn't sleep last night. cause i was scared :S i woke up at 3am cause i need to pee. i went to the toilet in the kitchen. when i was flushing my toilet, i suddenly heard a little kids voice. i was supppeeeerrr shock and scared okay! i cried and then ran into my room. like little kid, i know. but it was scary. so i couldn't sleep. anyway, english paper 2 today was manageable. it's not that difficult, but not easy at the same time. average. after school went to eat LJS at junction 8, then went to bishan library. i used the computer, then read few poems to raudhah and deeyana. suppppeeerrr funny! HAHAHA! i saw this guy, and i find him familiar from somewhere, so i look at him like one kind. raudhah was like, " Oi, don't look at him like that can!" hahaha. good times. anyway, studying bio tonight (: Labels: 3 days more to go Friday, October 09, 2009 yesterday english paper 1 was kind of tough. the compo topics are hard. the arcticle writing was okay. malay paper was okay, i guess (: today maths paper 1 was okay. most of the questions are up to my standard. lols. but yeah, two r three questions are tough. social studies was TOUGH. it's suppppeeerrr difficult and i don't even know if my format was right :O exams finished at about 12.20pm. went canteen to grab a bite, and went up to 302's classroom for my english oral. the oral was supppeeerrr easy. it's all about shopping. waited for raudhah to finish, then went to mac. met up with shakinah, deeyana, ain, hid and sasa. chatted for a while, then home sweet home. took the train with shakinah and ain since they're going bugis to collect a present. goodbye weekdays, hello weekends :) next week monday, have to be in school by 10.30am. english paper 2 starts at 10.45am. at least can sleep slightly longer, right? i just find these days have been awesome for me. i don't know why, but i feel that i've been smiling a lot. and it's not my usual kind of smile. it's a good kind of smile :) okay, i wanna sleep now cause i'm having a suppeeerrr strong headache and starting to get a sore throat. ouch :( happy weekends peeps. & oh, miley deleted her twitter :( maybe i should not put high hopes on you. whatever they say about you, i should not have cared. i'm sorry, but maybe i should move on. but i just don't know where to start. maybe you can show me the way? sighs. Labels: 2 days down, 4 days to go Wednesday, October 07, 2009 the past few days has been a hell lot of fun :) hahaha. revised a lot at the same time, and i can tell that my head's gonna explode at anytime. i'm starting to having a little headache now. anyway, just to let you know, i'm suuuppppeeeerrr happy today, and i have a big smile on my face :D after school today, went to mac to study with deeyana, raudhah, nunu & syafreak. i want to thank abang halif/deeyana/nunu for tutoring me today. i was sitting like the boss, and the rest are kinda like my workers. haha! i'm a boss who is still stuck at the angle topic in maths. lols. tomorrow, most probably studying at library. gonna be revising maths/social studies. Exams are tomorrow. Good luck everybody! May all your marks that you wish for come true:) and i still can't believe i'm gonna be sec 4 next year :O and i still can't believe that i'm still short. well, at least i grow a bit :) i swear, end of next year, i'm gonna cry D: anyways, good luck to everyody:) you make me smile like the sun dance all around <3 Labels: EOY. Saturday, October 03, 2009 haven't been updating for quite sometime. i'm pretty busy, i guess. exams are next week and i'm studying really hard right now. oh, for the first time, i passed my recent POA test. wooohhooo! nunu must be proud of me. heh! probably next week won't be updating cause i'm gonna be staying back for remedials. time is like suupppeeeerrr fast this year. finishing sec 3, coming sec 4. sighs. time is precious. Labels: time's precious. "Tell her you miss her when you’re close enough to kiss her & that you’d walk a thousand miles to tell her so." i really do like you (: <3 |
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