Monday, November 30, 2009
SWEET NIBBLETS! SAY WHAT?! YA THINK?! Saturday, November 28, 2009 But it hurts more waiting for that person you love. :( Wednesday, November 25, 2009 ![]() "There is this girl. She used to have a crush on this boy. But not anymore. She dosen't have a crush on him anymore because she already fell in love with him. She waited for him, but he never come. She cried almost every night, wondering if she could have a chance to be with him. He meant everything to her. Every second, minute, hour, day,month and year, he is all she thinks about. Nothing else. It's really saddening when he knows that she likes him, but he somehow ignore her. She got her heart broken couple of times, and she's still enduring the pain till now. She felt horrible, cause she adore someone who ignore her, but ignore those who adore her. She loved him so much that she ignore those wonderful guys who wanted her. Then one day, she gave up. She know she would never be with the guy that she really loves, so she gave him up. She got together with another guy, who really loves her and understands her. Though she's with another guy, she never forget and still loves the first guy. Because she knows that she would never get over him. Till now, she's still hoping for that ignorant guy, even after all the heartache she felt. All she want from him now is him telling her himself that he doesn't feel the same way for her. That's all she asks for, so that she can be happy with the guy she's with now." **** The story above is EXACTLY the story of my life right now. It's really so complicated right now. In times like this, I want to thank my Girls - Deeyana, Raudhah, Shakinah - for giving me advices and helping me through, even if you girls are each having a difficult time yourself. Not forgetting Abang Mirul and Mat♥ for protecting me. Reihana, you always turn my frown upside down by cracking me up with your jokes. And Huda, for always reminding me of the old times that we share when were younger last time (Btw, All The Best for your PSLE results tomorrow. I know you can do it!). Thank you so much :) Tomorrow will be my busy day. Probably staying at Granda's place the whole day to help her out for this Friday's Hari Raya Haji. **** "You can love more than one your life, but there is only one love of your life." -Miley Cyrus. Tuesday, November 24, 2009 ![]() Miley say's that she hope to be like Beyonce in the future. I say I hope to be like Deeyana in the future. How does that sounds? :) ps: i miss my bestie(s) :'( Monday, November 23, 2009 MILEY RAY CYRUS ! 231109 Finally, she's turned 17. :) Labels: Happy Birthday Miley Friday, November 20, 2009 The saddest thing is when you're feeling really down, you look around and realise that there's no shouder for you to cry on. Sometimes it's better to let all your tears down, rather than to keep everything inside. :'( Labels: simply just can't let go Wednesday, November 18, 2009 The official movie trailer for The Last Song:) Yeah, Miley's in it. Prolly will be releasng around April/May next year. Yeah, still a long time to go. Labels: The Last Song Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Coming from his upcoming solo album :D studied the whole night last night for my paper today. after that, talked on the phone with raudhah around 12+ am, then went to bed. have to be in school by 0645am, but woke up late. anyways, performance today was GREAT. but unfortunately, i keep wanting to fall on stage. my hands were shaking. other than that, everything went on smoothly. after that, all performers were supposed to go back to the hall for photo taking. i felt like a celebrity at that point of time :) anyways, had my re-test after that and it was a lil' difficult. the middle of the paper, i shed a few tears cause i suddenly lose my confidence :( anyway, meeting up with clique tomorrow for our movie date. aku harap dyr ikut lah ! ^.^ Saturday, November 14, 2009 it hurts when you trusted that person a whole lot, and you thought he understand, but in the end, you're the one at the losing end. i feel like a fcuking idiot right now. words can't describe how angry/sad/disappointed i am right now. i know that by crying, it wouldn't solve anything, but i just can't control it. everything is running in my mind right now. i just can't take all this anymore. it happened once, and now's the second. i can't bear to face the third one. i'm seriously an idiot. damn. Labels: busted. Monday, November 09, 2009 "My love is like an ocean It goes down so deep My love is like a rose Whose beauty you want to keep. My love is like a river That will never end My love is like a dove With a beautiful message to send. My love is like a song That goes on and on forever My love is like a prisoner It's to you that I surrender." <3 Friday, November 06, 2009 "One day, you're going to wake up and realize that you care for her. But when that day comes, she will be waking up next to the guy who already knew." Tell the people whom you care that you care and love them, before it's too late. & there'll be no point to regret. <3 Thursday, November 05, 2009 "Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion, That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control, So remember when your eyes meet mine ,I love you with all my heart, And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start." kalau lah Chris White tau yang aku tulis ni untuk dyr :( Miley has a tattoo?! well, i'm not sure whether it's real tattoo or a fake one, but i won't be shocked if it really happened. It's been two days, and still counting. My remedial classes for the re-test are really boring. Felt like sleeping most of the time, but I forced myself to be awake. Sighs, I want to see the future :( & Mat, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to start a fight with you. I'm sorry (x100). I'm really in a confused situation right now. No one seems to understand what I'm trying to say. Labels: CONFUSED Tuesday, November 03, 2009 If Life was a Fairytale, I'll be the Princess and You'll be my Prince Charming. & we'll have one of those "Happily-Ever-After" ending :) ♥♥♥ |
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