Thursday, December 31, 2009
Awwwwww.. So cute :D Labels: Miley's first appearance on TV Wednesday, December 30, 2009 To Deeyana, Shakinah & all other girls who's going through a hard time: "Of course, you're going to get your heart broken. And it isn't just going to happen once, but a lot. That's just part of growing up, and it makes you stronger. Then you can handle it better next time. You may not get through it yourself, but your friends will help you through it. And you'll be a stronger person because of it. Then one day someone will come along, and it'll all pay off and no one will ever break your heart again." So cheer up, and keep thinking positive. There are better things that awaits us in the future :) Wednesday, December 23, 2009 "Letting go, even if it hurts, doesn't mean you have to let go of everything. You just have to let go of the person and your feelings for her/him But the memories will always be there whether it's good or bad. Because everytime you remember those memories, it will always put a smile into your heart. And be glad that once in your life this person made you happy and put colors into your life even if it's just for a while." Tuesday, December 22, 2009 ![]() 1977-2009 Brittany Murphy- Faster Kill Pussycat Labels: Brittany Murphy Sunday, December 20, 2009 i'm so sleepy. meeting lisa tomorrow. wish me luck. i swear, i can't take this anymore. it's like you're hurting me more, when i've been hurt enough. :( Saturday, December 19, 2009 I.HATE.YOU Friday, December 18, 2009 Whenever I day dream, and day dream I do, in my secret garden, I day dream of you. I day dream of you, in a faraway land; embracing me tight and holding my hand. Holding my hand, and touching my face. Just you and me, in this peaceful place. In this peaceful place a pristine river flows. Where the unicorns run, a breeze always blows. A breeze always blows and sings of a song; our love in a place where you're never gone. Where you're never gone is as it would seem, from dusk until dawn, whenever I day dream. And whenever I day dream, and day dream I do, in my secret garden, I day dream of you. now, i'm gonna call that day dream, a nightmare. Just realise something in the picture. Deeyana, me & Shakinah have a black rubber bandn on our wrist each. Okay, I'm just being random =.=" I miss Nurul Amanina Binte Aziz :O Thursday, December 17, 2009 Rahmatullah Bin Ahmad 11 August 1993-17 December 2009 You were there for me. You had to bear with all my crap. You keep on loving me, even though you know that my heart's not with you. You made me laugh, smile, cry, angry and all other emotions. You saved me when I'm in danger. You find cure for me when I'm in pain. You'd wipe my tears away for me. You got your heart broken plenty of times, because of me. Even though I've been bruised and slashed at the back when I'm with you, I know you'd keep me safe. When I'm with the bad guys, I knew you'd come and save me. & I was right. You did. You sacrificed a lot for me. Yet, me being the ungrateful one, still didn't thank God for sending a great/wonderful guy to me . And now that you're gone, I realise there's no use for me to regret. I had my chance, but I blew it away. With all my tears streaming down my face now, I know you'd never come back. There's no one to wipe away these tears for me. Though I'm not in love with you, we definitely connected. I'm sorry for all the wrong things I had done to you. I'm sorry for not being the person you wanted me to. I'm sorry for not loving you the way you wanted me to. I'm sorry for everything. You'll never be forgotten. I promise. I believe, Allah loves you more. He knows better. Labels: I'm sorry. Monday, December 14, 2009 I'm so tired, and I'm so lazy to blog. Probably will be closing my blog soon :) Anyways, I still haven't purchase my school books yet. So I just found out that next year Sec 4 NA will be splitting into three classes. 403, 404 & 405. I still want to remain in 403. There's so many memories there :( Time is fast. Say hello to 2010. My New Year resolutions will be:
Can manage? I hope so. That's why it's called Resolutions. I can't wait for school to open. But then again, I haven't even touch my holiday assignments. Aiyooooo~ I am so confused with you. Thursday, December 10, 2009 "If you look inside a girl, you would see how much she really cries. You would find so many secrets and lots of lies. But what'll you see the most is how hard it is to stay strong when nothing is right and everything is wrong." Tuesday, December 08, 2009 Monday, December 07, 2009 Go to Deeyana's blog and look at our Primary school picture. Try to find me & her. Trust me, it's not easy. :) Deeyana, I'm promoting your blog. ..... HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY, ASYRAF ISKANDAR! Finally, you've turned 15. Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki. Amin. Thanks for helping me for the past few months :P Help me again, okay? You promised to. Stay happy :) Labels: Nothing make sense anymore Sunday, December 06, 2009 I want someone to love me, for who I am. I want someone to need me, is that so bad. I'm shaking of all the pain. You break my heart once again. & I'm frightened that I couldn't be strong. Labels: Who I am Friday, December 04, 2009 Ever wonder why we have to live in this world when we're always feeling down most of time? Why you frown more than you smile? Why you cry more than you laugh? When you feel like it's already the end but actually it's just a start of something new? Challenges come without inviting. That's why we always have to be prepared for the worse. And sometimes I wonder than sometimes there's no point in thinking positive, cause when we're already positive about something, it wouldn't happen the way we want it to. Sighs. i miss seeing everyone in school uniform :( Tuesday, December 01, 2009 We Belong to Music - Timbaland ft. Miley Cyrus |
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