Saturday, February 27, 2010
Okay, I don't want to talk about yesterday's performance cause it's a bad one, but at least you guys did laugh along with us right? Hahaha! Anyway, after performance, went to canteen and back to class for POA. After that, went back to the canteen, to watch the boys soccer match, but unfortunately it was postponed due to the heavy rain. I got asked by Sabrina yesterday. Her question was who would I choose between the Chinese one and the Malay one. My answer was, "I choose whoever that Deeyana approves of." Deeyana laughed real hard and then she went "Awwwww.." Btw, Dee chose the Malay one. I love you, Deeyana Binte Hashim! So, slacked around until about almost 6, then went home with Deeyana, Raudhah, Hafizah, Sabrina,Nadra and Diyanah. I want to thank Hafizah for letting me walk with him, even for awhile only (: Shakinah's birthday is next week. What should I get her? my friends think i'm fool to think that you're the one for me i guess i'm just a sucker for love people try to tell but i still refuse to listen cause they didn't get to spend time with you :) Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Hey, wassup :) School has been okay, but not great. I keep getting sick these days, cause I can't find my medicine anywhere. Weird, isn't it? I swear, it cost me almost $80, and I "lost" it. Sighs. I don't really know what to blog about. I'm sad, angry, dissappointed at myself. How can I be stupid? Haishh :( I'll just be patient. The time will come. It will. Looking at Shakinah eating maggi just now, makes me crave for it. So, I'm gonna cook maggi for dinner. It's the only thing I can cook, since I'm alone at home. Need to study for SS test tomorrow. Sunday, February 21, 2010 i know you're not really happy with me yeah, you said you're okay but i know you're not cause i didn't text you the way you wanted me to but there's a reason to it cause the more i use those words the more i want you i'm sorry, dear Saturday, February 20, 2010 Finally, it's the weekends! I'm not looking forward to school these days. Yesterday, was okay. School as per normal. I was planning to go home after remedial, but since I already promised someone that I'd watch him play his soccer match, I had to stay in school. Congrats, cause you did score :) sukerlah tu, kalau orang puji :P So, watched the game with Raudhah and some random Sec 3 girl, while Deeyana was studying in the canteen. The table behind her was occupied with some Yishun Sec guys, and she felt awkward sitting there by herself. Hahaha, sorry beb! Few minutes after the second half of the game started, decided to go home. Walked, talked and laughed to the MRT with Deeyana & Raudhah. Tons of chores that has to be done. Currently, doing the laundry now :( I miss Shakinah sooooo badly :( Thank God, she's coming back on Monday. I swear, I've been having this indifferent feeling whenever you're around or whenever I'm texting you. Worst still, when we're in the same place. I don't know whether it's good, or bad but it's bothering me. Is it me, or is it you? I swear, I don't know :( I love Deeyana. I love Shakinah. I love Raudhah. & that's all I know. Tuesday, February 16, 2010 I'm boooorrrreeeddd. Woke up at 12pm, wash up, and ate maggi for breafkast+lunch. Stayed at home during the past weekend, yesterday and today. Break record already. Usually, I'm out and about during the weekends, but both my parents are working. Anyways, I "planned" to do my Malay homework, but I just found out that I've run out of foolscap papers. Stupid, right? Omg. I'm sooo lazy to do anything right now. Not really in the mood :( glance at me talk to me laugh with me be with me Monday, February 15, 2010 You know you need someone, When the needs so strong, When they're gone you don't know how to go on, So the world is stuck in the moment, Standing still until they come back, You accept that they've got things to do, But sometimes in the end, There's nothing left for you, If hurt is missing you baby, I've done too much of it lately. I can't eat, I can't sleep What else could it be, Missing you so deep, Long as I'm where you're going to, I'd wait forever and a day for you, I wait up, wait up for you. Astrology Of Leo: Leos do not want to be like everybody else, and take a lot of pride in being who they are. They love attention and strive for recognition and praise of others. Most Leos have a very strong character and are very independent; this allows them to be great leaders. A Lion is a very proud creature and never wants to be left in the background, he always wants to shine and be appreciated by others. Generosity and warm heartedness are some of Leo’s best features, which are pretty easy go get if the big cat it is shown some love and loyalty. When it comes to family, Leos are usually very responsible and protective. They will try to provide the best they can to their loved ones, however in return they will expect love and loyalty. On the negative side, Leos can sometime be bossy and over-proud, which will stop them from seeing things as they are and stubbornly insist on their own point of view. To tackle this situation, all you have to do is show your Leo friend some respect (and maybe love) and his/her warm heart will melt and start thinking rationally once again. People under this zodiac are usually quite materialistic. They like to live big and spend a lot. However at the same time they can be quite hard working, but they must see the benefits of such hard work. Most Leos have big dreams, however those dreams are nothing unless there is someone who will appreciate it. Though on the outside Leo individual might look strong and self-confident, on the inside he/she very much depends on affirmation, love and recognition of others. Many Leos like to perceive the world as if it revolves around them, however they often fail to recognize that it isn’t so, and that sometimes they are not part of the picture. How to seduce Leo:
What you should not do, if you want a Leo person to like you:
Love traits:
Sex habits Their typical after-sex phrase is - "Wasn't I fantastic?" Drinking style Labels: Leo Friday, February 12, 2010 Finally, it happened :D & I'm proud of it. In the morning, help out the CNY performers. Instructor didn't come, and I swear Deeyana was damn mad. Hahahas! Anyway, this year's CNY celebration is lil' boring. It's the same old thing we had last years. After school, thought oof going Mac, but it was damn packed. So , we went somewhere else. Lots of things happened today. But it was gooooodd. I've been waiting like forever for "that" to happen. I wasn't sad, though. I'm happy *grins* Honestly speaking, I don't like your girlfriend. Hahs! But you're "in love" with her. So, whatever. I don't give a damn about it -.- 4 days, no school :) Have a nice holiday & take care, Shakinah & Shafiqah (: Hoping that [S] will text me ♥ Labels: SHYAANFNIAQ ♥ Monday, February 08, 2010 I am sooo tireddd! Had MCC after school today. It was kinda fun :) After MCC, went Mac with Raudhah, while the others go to Banquet. Deeyana had to go off first, though. Went Grandma's house for a while to take some food, then home sweet home. It's sooo tiring. I can't wait for tomorrow's assembly. Hahahas! Tomorrow, I will probably be attending the CNY rehearsals. CNY performers please be in the hall by 2pm sharp. I want to talk to you guys first before the start of rehearsals. Anyways, congrats to the soccer boys for winning today's match :) aww.. bby scored (: Labels: i've moved on already Wednesday, February 03, 2010 i hate whatever feeling that i'm feeling right now cause i know it's not right. everything went perfectly, until.. it happened. :'( Monday, February 01, 2010 Miley Cyrus at the Grammy's (: ![]() ![]() Too tired to blog -.- Zzzzz. |
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