Friday, April 30, 2010
Sup. Okay, i'm like not in the mood to blog, but i feel like blogging -.- Mid year has started. 2 papers down, 5 more to go. English yesterday was manageable, but Malay today sucks big time. Didn't know that the peribahasa would be that hard. Everything's difficult, except the comprehension. I receive the paper, I flip the page open, I look at Tadza, he look at me. Our faces was like "WTF." -.- So yeah, had tuition just now. After tuition, totally felt so fcuked up. Whoa, lots of homework she gave me. Looks like tomorrow cannot go out. Hmmmmm.. Okay, there's another thing I'm thinking about, too. -.-' mystery guy. you name yourself mystery guy. :P Tuesday, April 27, 2010 yeah, even though i'm touched that you still remember what day today is, but then, later part of the day, i found out something about you? something that you did when we're together. & i just found out about it now. :'( thanks, tadza for telling me. Monday, April 26, 2010 "If you think it’s time to let go, then just let go. There’s no point in looking back to what you have already lost." 270210 ♥ & I wonder if you still remember what day tomorrow is. :'( Sometimes, you just gotta accept the fact that those bad boys who dump you, they're the one who gives you the best memories, even though they hurt you billions of times. & it hurts, to keep thinking about them, but I just can't help it. Honestly, I've been thinking about you for the past few days, & I know I shouldn't. Remembering the times you made me smile, laugh, cry. Remembering the touch of your hands intertwined with mine. Remembering the touch of your lips. Remembering the sound of your voice on the phone. Remembering the times you always tease me. & now, it's gone. We don't talk anymore, & we just pass by each other awkwardly, like as if we have never existed in each other's life before. I wish we could be like last time, when we were still friends. I miss talking with you. I miss laughing to your jokes. I miss the sound of your voice. I miss seeing your crazy self. I miss it when you teased me. I miss us, being friends. :'( Though, this doesn't mean that I want you back. No, I don't. This doesn't mean that I still love you. No, I don't. You've moved on, & so do I. You have your previous life back, & so do I. You have your friends, I have mine. I guess this is the way it's supposed to be. But, I'll be thankful if we were to start all over again, and be friends. Like we used to before. Wednesday, April 21, 2010 I'm feeling good today. Hmmm~ Have not been updating very often, & I'm sorry about that. Been busy with lots of stuff. Mid-year examinations are coming up. Have been doing lots of revision lately. School ended 1.45pm today, then straight away went for Maths remedial. It ended about 2.45pm, then slacked at canteen. Shakinah had to cook for her FNN, & I swear, it was delicious :D Tak tau pulak bestie aku ni pandai masak :P About 5+pm, left school and went to get new pair of contact lenses. Finally, I got it :) Did the NAPFA 5 items today, & it was okay lah. Not that bad. The only fun part was when the guys had to do the pull-up. Damn funny, I tell you. Especially Bryan. Hahaha! Standing broad jump aku tak pernah pass! D: Oh, I just remembered that I skipped Social Studies mock paper today :P Woke up late, that's why. Okay, going to do my Maths homework now, & then revise :) 6 more days Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Lots of "awkward moments" today. Hmmm~ Feeling so fcked up right now. No mood to blog. __ Saturday, April 10, 2010 DEYI MILITARY BAND WAS AWESOME :D Congrats for winning all the 3 awards for the second time in a row! You guys deserve it, & it was an awesome performance. It was spelndid/beautiful/amazing! & that's why I'm proud to call myself a Deyian :D I'm gonna talk about today. Woke up at 10.30am, ate breakfast with Grandma. Left home at about 12.30pm, met up with Lisa & gang to clear up some important stuff, & mrt-ed to amk. Went to Indoor Stadium to watch the Military Band SYF with Shakinah, Deeyana, Diyanah, Hafizah, Nadra & Jesscca. All the band did awesome, but obviously, Deyi band was the best :D Haikal did an amazing job with the maze(or however you spell it). Screamed at the top our lungs, & I'm loosing my voice right now. Deyi was the last item. Save the best for the last :) All performances ended about 6+, then waited for the results. Everyone was damn nervous lah! Best appearance: Gold with Honours, Deyi Secondary School Best Drum Major: Haikal bin Rosli Best display band: Deyi Secondary School Everyone was cheering like hell, I swear! It was as if we were watching a soccer match, but actually it was a band performance. Met up with Raudhah & Sabrina and congratulate them, and went off. Everyone took bus 16 and dropped off at Dhoby Ghaut, & take the train. Me & Shakinah cabbed down to Bishan instead :P Sent Shakinah at Bishan mrt, and went home. The moment I reached home, straight away I had my dinner since I didn't have proper breakfast and no lunch. Stomach was making weird noises at the stadium :( Today was a great day, and I'm sure everyone's happy with the results. To the other schools who competing real hard just now, especially Tanjung Katong Sec, it's okay! Cheer up, there will always ba a next time. Try harder :P I have a throbbing headache right now, my throat hurts, having leg cramps, & damn sleepy :( Labels: DMB SYF LEO AND LEO COMPATIBILITY: With another Leo, it is a question of who is going to give up the spotlight. Two individuals born under Leo, when together, represent charm, entertainment and personality plus. But it could be too much of a good thing. To make the relationship succeed, each Leo must be willing to step back, to permit the other to show off special talents and abilities. The Leo man doesn't attract the usual, the mundane, and the ordinary. And to succeed in a relationship with Leo, you have to be somewhat eccentric, willing to forgo numerous conventions - and you have to dress well, appreciate good food and be heavy on the compliments. This man is romantic and somewhat egotistical. But much of the time he's worth an extra effort. No matter how exasperating he may be, he has a right to his ego because he is likely also to be proud of you. That's a key make him proud of you. Read, keep up with current events and maintain a sense of humor. He loves to see you laugh, as long as you are laughing with and not at him. The Leo man demands attention. He is fiery, romantic. He can be an easy victim of the green- eyed monster, too. Very jealous, offended, aloof - if he feels you regard him as anything less than the center of your universe. It's not easy. It's quite a job, handling the Leo man! The Leo man likes the theater but dislikes theatrics. The Leo male admires beauty but not the obvious kind; he prefers the subtle. He is repelled by women who use too much makeup by women who cry openly (it's much more effective to utilize a dramatic sob) by women who laugh too loud (better to squeeze his hand and smile in appreciation) and most important by women who steal the spotlight. He believes in equal rights for men and women, but expects you to accept the concept that he is just a little superior. He's affectionate and lovable-and he can be yours if you utilize loads of flattery and hat your eyelashes when he turns those magnetic eyes on you. If you are pursuing a Leo woman, compliment her tell her she's beautiful and she will be. She has a flair for the dramatic. Let her have the spotlight: but also realize you will have to be unusual so don't tell all you know. Maintain an air of mystery. She loves to hear about herself, read her palm and check her horoscope. She demands that you be aware of her. A touch, a gesture, a secret signal something special - that's the way to woo and win the Leo lady. Your own manner should he regal. She wants to be with someone who is admired by others. In more intimate Moments, she admires tenderness, a caress; this is what she prefers to any heavy- handed overtures. She is sexy but she wants you to want her for more than physical reasons. She values herself She doesn't give herself away. That is, you must court her; thoughtful gifts mean more to her than the expensive variety. Plainly, romance is part of her life. She is romantic and needs to be needed. She is likely to be attractive, and she expects to be jealous of you, but doesn't want to be reprimanded for her own flirtatiousness. Make yourself a fascinating challenge. Involvement with a Leo woman can be fatiguing, but you will learn about life and living and love. Her nature is fiery; she is passionate, giving and generous. If you win her, the prize will be a great one. She is stubborn, but she is usually trying to work out what is best for you. Recognize her good qualities, which are numerous, in being amorous, avoid being coarse. Sex, for the Leo lady, is just one part of love. It is the rhythm of life but to be a part of her life you must first earn her admiration. She abhors the humdrum, routine, and stupid. She revels in the creative, in excitement, could be an addict of the theater and she will share the spotlight if she feels you really have something others would admire. She's unusual, complicated, and opinionated but she can be one of the most beautiful experiences in your life. Labels: Leo Thursday, April 08, 2010 Currently loving the life that I'm living now :) Okay, I've decided to blog today since I've got nothing to do.Today, for the first time, didn't study anything in class since all the teachers are absent. In the morning, my class need to be the "observer" or something like that for class 204. After that, free period all the way until school ends. Malay oral was postponed, AGAIN. Dear God, thank you for giving me such wonderful people. They have never failed to brighten up my day, and support me. I wish I can tell them how much they mean to me. I dedicate this message to my best girls (you know who you are), friends & classmates :) Life always lead me back to that guy Since the first day, he's the only one who'd make me feel happy & that's what I love about him I can't find a reason to not like him I can't deny that I'm still in love with him It has always been you No one else :) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 e-learning today, which means no school. But tomorrow, back to school -.- Went to Bugis & Vivo for double-date-but-turned-into-only-one-date with Shakinah, Achap & Syafiq. Everything was fine with boyf in the beginning, but turned upside down once we reached Bugis. Just to summarise up, today wasn't that good. Sorry to Sh[A]chap for ruining your day.Takpe lah, krng lain hari boleh date lagi pe :P Currently, waiting for "that" text message. Everything will change from tomorrow onwards, I promise. :'( |
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