Wednesday, June 30, 2010
"if one day you realize that i have not been talking to you i've been feeling really tired these days. i guess it's due to my lack of sleep since i've been studying almost every night & i'll only go to bed past midnight *yawn* school has been fine. more & more homework. remedials start next week & most of them will end around 5pm like that. english 'n' level oral examination will be next week, 6 july. after that, malay 'n' level oral examinatins which will be on 26 july. super fast siol. alright, i'm gonna take a nap for awhile before starting on my revision. Zzzzzz -.- anyway, anyone want come my house tomorrow or friday & study with me? & i mean, ANYONE. Monday, June 28, 2010 First day of school wasn't that bad at all. Woke up feeling really excited ;) Met the normal people at MRT, then head to school. Seriously, happy siol when we reached school :D First period was form teacher period. I swear, I don't like the new time-table -.- very shitty. Only the first day, I've got piles of homework to finish up. Malay, Maths, Social Studies, English. Now, I'm not excited for school tomorrow -.- do you know that your present is still with me? i don't know what the hell am i waiting for. i mean, why can't i just give it to you just like that? why is it so hard for me?! gosh, hanna, what is wrong with you?! i know you already know about me buying you a gift. sumpah, i don't know when to give you. i bring your present everyday, but i don't have the guts to give you. pandai kan? i tau -.- haiyooo~ D': Labels: First day of Semester 2 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 So why does your pride make you run and hide. Are you that afraid of me? But I know it's a lie what you're keeping inside. That is not how you want it to be. If you think I'm fine, it ain't true. I really need you in my life. No matter what I have to do, I will wait for you. Thursday, June 17, 2010 I'm back (: Been gone for quite sometime. To some people who's still asking me whether I'm fine or not, yes I'm fine. Still on medication, but can manage. No worries (: Can't believe that next week will be the last week of holidays. I'll be busy completing my holiday assignments. I don't know how to my Malay compo. Shit man -.- POA, quarter done. English, haven't started. I can't find the damn paper. Life's back to normal, I guess. Sometimes, the truth may hurt. But, you just gotta accept the fact and move on with your life. You just gotta believe that if something is meant to happen, it will happen. May not be now, but in the future. But if it still doesn't happen, it's just not meant to be yours. Something better might be awaiting you in the future. Just believe :) Relationships might not last, but a friendship does. I believe. "If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me." I understand what's going on. I know we're just gonna stay as friends only, I'm okay with it. Cause I'm thinking the same thing as you. I don't want to risk our friendship. I see you as a friend. I want us to be like how we used to when we were friends. I hope we can start all over again, & talk to each other like nothing happened. We're gonna take our N levels soon, & we might not know whether we will still meet each other or not in the future. I don't want to waste this little time left on something that's not worth it you know. I just miss us being friends, that's all :'( Labels: friend, i miss you Monday, June 07, 2010 "If you wanna leave, you can. I’ll remember you, just like I remember everyone that leaves." - Lilo and Stitch Sunday, June 06, 2010 Flooded with all this pain, knowing that I'll never hold ya, like I did Before the Storm. With every strike of lightning, Comes a memory that lasts ♥ what hurts the most is knowing that everything's not going to be the same anymore. Labels: dissappointment NORHAFIZAH :D May all your wishes come true. :) _________ things change, and so does people. thanks to my girls for being there for me. & for cheering me up. you guys never fail to give me advices. appreciate it loads. Love ya. but face it, it's my problem. at the end of the day, it's me facing them. i have to learn to face them myself. independent. get that straight, hanna. Friday, June 04, 2010 currently very pissed off right now. mad, sad, disappointed, broken. cb. Thursday, June 03, 2010 SABRINA YO :D You're a big girl now :) May all your wishes come true on this special day. Stay happy & smiley all the time. Even though there are times when it was awkward between us, but we manage to pull through :) Hahas. Whatever it is, you can still talk to me about anything alright? I'll be always be there for you if you need anything. I'm just a text away. :D Love ya ♥ Btw, I love that picture up there :D Wednesday, June 02, 2010 ![]() Wassssuuuuupppppp :D:D:D finally, holidays are here :) but still need to attend school for remedial. -.- yesterday had malay & maths. didn't went for maths though :P malay was okay luhh. today malay was a little bit boring. skipped geography. went to mac for breakfast with fizah & raudhah. around 11+, shakinah came with jess :) talked, laughed, talked. then like suddenly, a lot of ang moh's enter the mac. all of them are teenagers. then they sat at a table same row as us. i swear, all of them are damn good-looking :D one of them had the justin bieber looks. shakinah happy siot! then this one guy.. subahanallah, damn handsome+cute. OMG, i tengok, i pun cair siol! but then, they all eat so greedily. like there's no tomorrow. but who cares! hahah! anyway, we were talking abaout 14 june outing. at first, wanted to make bbq, but cancelled. then planning to go sentosa, but cancelled. now, we're planning to go to haunted places. but of course, go during the day time. hahah! i don't dare go night time D: LOL. anyway, going night cycling tonight :D:D:D can't wait. but then, i scared tomorrow i can't wake up for remedial :( i asked raudhah to morning call me at 7am. call until i pick up :) I love you up to the point where I found myself constantly wishing that I won’t have to get over you ♥ |
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