Saturday, July 24, 2010
School as per usual yesterday. Raudhah didn't turn up, though. Lotsa stuff happened, but I don't wish to explain it all here. Once school ended, everything became normal again. Went for POA remedial then met the rest at the canteen. Sat with the girls then Tadza came. They started planning for the Hari Raya outing already. Hahaha! After planning and agreed on the date, Tadza realised they were looking at 2011 calender -.- HAHAHAH! Anyways, I would like to thank Deeyana, Shakinah & Sabrina for the stuff that you guys did yesterday. You know what it is :P Left school & met Raudhah at usual place. Then went home for tuition. Okay, I need to do some chores now. Then off to Bishan Library to meet Diyanah & Sabrina :) Sometimes I'm lazy, I get bored, I get scared, I feel ignored, I feel Labels: Ordinary Girl Thursday, July 22, 2010 Words can never describe how happy I was yesterday. I really hope things will get better, just Like what Shakinah told me. Oh, she told me based on real life experience :P Anyways, no school for today due to E-learning. I can't access to my E-learning site. Shit -.- Meeting Aisyah later. Finally get to meet her :D Going to Nenek house before meeting Aisyah. She's sick :( Somehow, I can't wait for Malay Oral next week. I can't wait for all the upcoming Malay remedials :) Hehehe :P
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 48 MORE DAYS TO N' LEVEL! 14 MORE DAYS TO PRELIMS! 23 MORE DAYS TO MY B'DAY :D Quick Update! Sorry for not updating that often. Been busy these past few days with studies & other stuff. Just to let y'all know that I won't be updating that often. As you can see, I have exactly 2 more weeks to my Prelims. Next week Monday, will be having Malay N' level Oral Examintions. After Prelims will be doing intensive revision on every subject. Must aim 19 points, then MAYBE will be going to Higher Nitec, instead if going Sec 5. Well, that's what Cikgu Ezreen said. If you're eligible for Sec 5, go Higher Nitec instead. If not eligible for Sec 5, then go ITE. Don't waste anymore time. I couldn't agree more. Nitec also have Nursing :) I've got tons of homework to be done, school + tuition -.- This thought suddenly came into my mind. I just realised that I have only have few more months left with Shasha, Diyana & Asyraf. Everybody will be going their own ways. I don't even know if I'll be going to the same school with Raudhah or not in the future :'( Then what about the rest? Omg. Tomorrow will be having Maths & Malay remedial, so confirm will end late -.- I'm tired of practicing for Malay Oral. I know it's to prepare us, but I'm sick of it. Never mind, Hanna. This week is the last time we'll practice, then everything will be over :) Anyway, today Assembly was AWESOME. Went up the stage with Shasha, Asyraf & Adi. Damn funny I tell you. This is all Mr Ali's fault, for calling out my name :P Gotta go now. Going to sleep for awhile, since I'm having a headache right now :( Will be doing revision afterwards. Peace.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 Update, Update, Update! Okay, I'm going to update since Jassy ask me to :) No school yesterday due to Youth Day. Met up with Raudhah & Shasha at usual place. Went to Jass house first to take her POA paper, then went to KFC for lunch. Shasha kecoh sia pat KFC :P After lunch, went to talk crap under one of the void decks. Then around 3, met up with Raudhah's friends, Ina Ke'ai & Mimi. Really had fun talking with them :) Baru jumpe, tapi bobual macam dah brape lamer kenal gitu :P Hang-out with them, then they went off. The three of us went to talk about some "stuff" at AMK hub Basement there. Oh, Rau treat me & Shasha Soya Bean :) Thanks beb! Ina Ke'ai & Mimi in the pictures below :) Today school as per normal. Had my N-Level Oral Examinations today. It was in the hall. At first, I was damn nervous. But then when it was my turn, whoa! Suddenly, I spoke confidently. As I was talking, Mr Ali was in my head. So, I also talk dramatically. Everything turned out to be awesome. So, now I'm not worried for Oral anymore. But, I'm worried about this one promise that I have to fulfill by tomorrow :( |
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